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voice, strength and conviction.
There is a noticeable unity of
thought and direction that was seriously lacking for several years in
God's Church. There is also an effort being made to provide stronger
leadership and instruction and this is helpful to many of God's
people. I thank you for your part in bringing this change about.
In particular, I would sincerely like to commend Mr. George Kackos for
his efforts in the Toledo, Ohio church.
Mr. Kackos has shown much
character growth in his own life and has, through his growth, set a
superior example for members to follow. Mr. Kackos has handled some
situations that arose here in Toledo with patience and wisdom. He has
given me a lot of help in personally preparing for this Passover
season by showing understanding and insight in correcting my faults.
He makes a concerted effort to contact all of his flock.
He has
visited our home once every year since he came to Toledo and no other
minister has shown this concern for us or for others.
Many of our
local members have noticed this effort on Mr. Kackos' part.
Mr. Kackos attempts to use everyone's talents and tried to encourage
all of us to reach higher levels of accomplishment in Christian
I do not intend this letter to sound like a sugary whitewash.
minister, being human, is perfect. But I do feel that there is credit
that should be given to a man, a minister of God, who is attempting to
serve God and follow Mr. Armstrong's example as closely as he possibly
Rodney W. Kuntz (Delta, Ohio)
Weekly Letter Comments
The mail shows Mr. Armstrong's recent GOOD NEWS Personal entitled, "An Open
Letter to our Newly Begotten Brethren Recently Baptized," encouraged and
inspired members--including those who have been in the Church for many
years. And response to the March co-worker/member letter clearly indicates
that brethren are intensifying their prayers and Bible study. Members also
appreciated Mr. Armstrong's concern for the Church in forming an Advisory
Council of Elders. Finally, Mr. Armstrong's filmed sermon to the Southern
California churches on March 7th was gratefully received around the nation.
Members were delighted to personally hear from God's apostle and to see God
strengthening and inspiring him. A few representative comments from each
of the above categories are included in this report.
Brethren Encouraged by Mr. Armstrong's GN Personal
Today I received the March GOOD NEWS. The leading article, "An Open
Letter to our Newly Begotten Brethren Recently Baptized," was one of
the loveliest messages you have ever written.
It's so encouraging,
heartwarming and inspiring--even to someone who was baptized fifteen
years ago. Thank you so much for it.
Catherine Lyster (Denver, CO)
Your Personal in the March GOOD NEWS was the most touching, heartfelt
and sincere article I have ever read!
I wish I'd received one like