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I was elated when I received my first issue of YOUTH 81 and hope
that the success of it will be great. Young adults such as myself
have been in great need of a magazine to discuss things like dating,
friendship and other topics where advice from God's perspective is
helpful. I must extend my wholehearted appreciation to God and Mr.
Armstrong for making this excellent magazine possible.
Tracy Cooper--17 yrs. (Austin, TX)
The PLAIN TRUTH is one of the most powerful magazines I have ever
read. Sometimes it is really frightening. It has started me to
read the Bible from the beginning. My life has changed tremendously!
A better home life is resulting. Drinking was stopped "cold turkey.''
My health is improving greatly. Thanks to God for helping me to help
Edward Cichon (Bristol, CT)
I have been enjoying your wonderful radio messages for some months.
I tape-record each program, then listen to the tape, checking and
studying each Bible reference from start to finish. You have helped
me greatly. I cannot tell you how much--it cannot be measured in
words. Thank you so much. May God bless you and watch over you and
your family.
John Vernon Nelson (Naperville, FL)
When I first heard you [Mr. Armstrong] over the radio, I was a
seventeen-year-old suicide case. My parents were separated and my
father, whom I lived with in a cramped trailer, wasn't much more
than a poor provider, having no concept of raising children. In
His great love, God opened my ears to your message and one night,
in utter desperation, I fell to my knees and asked God to be the
father I never had.
Since that prayer in 1964, I have never lacked parental guidance,
punishment and reward. Every word from your programs and literature
is, to me, the word of my own father--and I cherish it. Through you,
God has remade me.
Edward McKinney (Hanford, CA)
Appreciation for the Refresher Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We have just returned from the ninth Ministerial Refresher Program.
Thank you sincerely for this educational opportunity.
Three of our children had the privilege of graduating from Ambassador
College in Pasadena. We are grateful to you for making it possible
for both of us to attend this very valuable, stimulating, and en­
joyable program.