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To meet so many dedicated servants from many continents made us
realize how worldwide the Work has become since we first heard your
voice in 1936. It is an added blessing to hear you in person in
Oregon today! With love and deep apprecation.
Ernest and Evelyn Hoyt
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you so much for the blessing and opportunity to be a part of
the ninth session of the Refresher Program. Mr. Tkach said during
the first day that we would have to see the unity at Pasadena to
believe it. We surely did see it!
Each lecturer presented his subject succinctly and in relation to
backing you up in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The
subjects covered were precisely the areas we needed the most in­
struction in. Many of us have never heard your thoughts or teachings
in these areas.
Those assigned with teaching us evidenced real cooperation with and
respect for the other personnel and departments. We saw no one
"doing his own thing," but rather desirous to support the field
ministry in building the Church as we all hold up your arms.
Thank you again, Mr. Armstrong. Be reassured that we and the rest
of your "children in the Lord" pray for you and back you, and those
who assist you, 100%!
Jim and Mary Ann Snyder
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Tamara and I have just returned to Canada from the ninth Refresher
Program. I thought all the letters we had read about the program
had to be slightly overstating things--but I was wrong! It was
truly inspiring and refreshing, both spiritually and physically
(thanks to Carlton Green and company). Thanks for setting up such
a profitable experience. We feel it is our responsibility now to
pass on all we learned to the people we serve in this area. Thanks
Gary and Tamara Moore
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I were a part of the ninth Refresher Program. It was
a rich and wonderful experience--thank you for planning this for
the ministry! In many ways we feel like we received as much infor­
mation as we did
going through Ambassador College. We were able
to develop such strong ties and friendships in three short weeks
that the last day felt like "graduation day"!
It meant a lot to us--and to the churches
Montreal and Magog,
Quebec where we serve--that the men teaching the program really and
truly represent what Christ is giving His Church through you. We
will certainly do our best to pass as much as we can on to them of
the 100-plus hours of instruction, as well as the many other rich
experiences that came from living on campus for three weeks.