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Also, it might be appropriate to use the same avenue to send us
dissident printed materials in order to·keep HQ abreast of developments.
I might mention that things are going quite well at HQ as far as
Ministerial Services is concerned. We appreciate our daily contacts
with each of you and the good level of response you give.
The current policies and procedures seem adequate to most situations
encountered; at least it seems that is a rational explanation for the
smooth functioning we've been experiencing.
Administrative policies, of course, are only guidelines
insure uniformity. However, policies can eventually outlive their
usefulness. When that happens we hope to be alert enough to meet the
need. Having your help and cooperation makes meeting the need that
much easier.
Next Pastor's Report we'll include some information on the 1978-79
budget that I'm sure you will find pleasing and helpful.
--Ted Herlofson, Ministerial Services
A couple of weeks ago in the Pastor's
Report, we mentioned that The Modern Romans booklet was scheduled to
be highlighted in spot cow.mercials across the United States, and that
the WATS section of Mail Processing was gearing up to handle the
literature requests in response to the ad. Now we'd like to give you
more "behind the scenes" information about what's going on:
It's an exciting time of great anticipation for the WATS section -- and
for many mrethren throughout Southern California. The number of phone
lines are being increased from 33 to 62, and a new California WATS line
will be in operation.
(Before, California callers had to call collect
to a Pasadena number. This new WATS number will make it easier for
them to request literature).
The anticipated work load is making it necessary to hire 40 to 50 new
people, and to ask for volunteer help on the Sabbath from local brethren.
We project that we will receive some of our heaviest responses on the
Sabbath -- and six volunteer crews are being scheduled to answer the
phones around the clock!
(Of course, each crew will work only a few
This volunteer Sabbath program for answering the phones is creating a
sense of "esprit-de-corps" among local members not employed by the
Church -- a feeling of direct, personal contribution to the Work -- of
seeing fruit borne before one's eyes!
It's much like what was exper­
ienced in the earlier years when special volunteer crews would be
brought in to help insert Mr. Armstrong's co-worker letters. Only in
this case, brethren are actually speaking, via the phones, to new people
requesting literature from the Work for the first time. It's helping
to build more of a feeling of service and camaraderie among many
brethren around the Headquarters area. Some volunteers are coming from
as far away as San Diego (125 miles) to help in this effort!
It's expected that we could receive as many as 15,000 to 20,000 calls
per week from these spot commercials.
(The first spot commercials will