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credit, but at this point in time we have not drawn down any of our
lines of credit. If the income continues to look as positive and come
in as it is, we will probably be able to go into the Feast period with­
out having to do so.
;,11mm0r is normally our low mail and income period -- especially just
rri0r t0 the Feast of Tabernacles -- because of the long stretch
between Pentecost and the fall Feasts. Another factor in this is that
many people are travelling during the summer and engaged in other
activities prior to the school year. But this year we are doing
better than expected on our annualized budget, and we are anticipating
a steady growth factor from this point onwards.
Richard Rice's SUBSCRIBER DEVELOPMENT program, which had to undergo
considerable change with Mr. Armstrong emphasizing the church once
again, is just now starting to get underway, and so we have not had
time to see the impact of this program which generated considerable
mail and income before revitalization. Now that this program is on
again with its new format as directed by Mr. Armstrong, we anticipate
that it will certainly aid in our mail count and income. For the first
time in many years the Work has a sharper focus with a message that is con­
sistent. The direction from the top is giving management the ability
to function in such a way that growth-oriented programs are actively
producing once again in the Work.
As mentioned earlier, media coverage is on the road to blanket-
ing the entirety of the United States with "The World Tomorrow"
program. We are also for the first time doing what we call "cross­
plugging" where we will saturate an area with half-hour radio six days
a week, a weekly half-hour television program, sixty-second spot ads
on television, together with the newsstand program. All of·these cross
reference to the other so that we will get maximum identification of
our programs in a particular area. This cross-plugging will maximize
our coverage in getting the message of the Gospel into specific areas
as never before.
Just wanted to let you fellows know that the Work is getting done, since
many of you have asked what is taking place and what are our plans. It
certainly is a lot easier to plan as Mr. Armstrong makes the decisions
and gives us the direction and guidelines to follow. With that direction
newsstands are going forward, media is going forward, income is increas­
ing, and the Work is steadily moving onward! Progress in all these
areas is very encouraging and a very positive sign. Certainly it is
the very thing that many of us have been praying for over a long time!
--Ray Wright, Financial Affairs
FROM MINISTERIAL SERVICES Mr. Wayne Cole is down with a (hopefully}
slight case of the flu after returning from a visit to the Pittsburgh
area. Overall his health has been good lately, so this illness
shouldn't hold him down too long.
Mr. Herbert Armstrong's office asked that we keep abreast of what the
various newspapers across the nation are saying. Since you all
regularly send normal news clippings in to the News Bureau, perhaps you
could also begin to include items affecting the Church.