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Weekly Letter Comments
The new telecasts· are very inspiring to the brethren and they are excited
about their potential impact
the public. Besides these enthusiastic
comments about Mr. Armstrong's new telecasts, we are also including com­
ments on his full-page ads which are catching the interest of readers in
Canada as people recognize the timeliness of his messages. The last group
of comments are from young people telling Mr. Armstrong how much they are
enjoying YOUTH 81, and how valuable it is in helping them cope with the
pressures and challenges they are facing at their young age.
Brethren Inspired by New Telecasts
Just recently, the "World Tomorrow" TV program came back on the air
in our area of northeastern New York. It is obvious that God is
working in you, Mr. Armstrong. You look terrific--sound terrific-­
I think that God is using you more powerfully than ever before!! It
it a real joy and deeply encouraging to see and hear God's faithful
servant growing in power and vitality at a time in life when most
men would be long in the grave! God has miraculously brought you
back from death, and He is continuing to work miracles through His
servant more and more powerfully. I am certain that our great God
wiJl continue to use His apostle to lead and prepare His people with
all vigor, strength and vitality--growing even stronger--right unto
the end of the age!
Jeffrey B. Smith (Plattsburgh, NY)
It is good to hear and see Mr. Armstrong's new radio and TV programs.
I really enjoy them very much. Mr. Armstrong just does not look and
sound like an 89-year-old man--he really comes on strong and looks
just wonderful on TV.
Raymond F. Stauffer (Taylor, TX)
The new TV series of the "World Tomorrow" is wonderful. It has
opened the minds of some friends of mine who have never cared to
know about the Word of God before. Your powerful good news of the
Kingdom of God is really starting to cut deep. My family and
friends no longer make fun of me. Three of them have gone out and
purchased Bibles. Thanks be to God.
Roger F. Wapner (Springfield, MA)
I want to compliment you on your latest TV programs. They're cer­
tainly inspiring! A few of us have been gathering together to watch
them on Sunday mornings. Then we have a light lunch and enjoy some
fellowship--it has become an eagerly anticipated get-together.
Gene Fox (Springfield, OH)
I want to especially emphasize the tremendous impact I felt this
Sunday after watching one of your new TV programs. You were speaking
on I Corinthians 2 about spiritual and physical understanding. The
picture on the TV changed to a personal talk between you and Mr.
Anwar Sadat of Egypt. You were relating the two ways of life--the
world's way of get and God's way of give. Mr. Sadat was smoking his
pipe and very seriously interjecting "yes" and agreeing wholeheart­
edly with your philosophy on the two ways of give and get.