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the Church down through history and where we are now in prophecy and
end-time events. I've heard many, many excited and enthusiastic
Also, thank you for taking the time to talk with all the ministers
and elders for over an hour. I heard several comments of how much
they appreciated what you had to say and how open you were.
I want to say thanks to Mr. Bob Fahey for helping us to get ready
for your coming--he is very helpful and positive! I am especially
happy he has let us in on the last chapter--and that we win! And
I know that we will because God is with us and is blessing His Work.
Thanks again--! know these trips are not easy, but I'd just like you
to know they are very deeply needed and appreciated.
David H. Mills
Appreciates Example of Deputy Chancellor
My purpose in writing is to express to you my deep-felt apprecia­
tion for my immediate boss and your deputy chancellor, Mr. Raymond
F. McNair. He is extremely skilled and proficient in unifying the
students and the faculty with a spirit of dedication, loyalty,
diligence and fellowship. Through his personal example and exhor­
tation, he has reestablished the high Ambassador College standards
that originally attracted me to Ambassador College in the early 70's.
It is a real joy to work under Mr. McNair. I know that he is sincere
and dedicated in everything he does. Also, he is diligent in keeping
his finger on the pulse of the campus and knowing what is going on.
He frequently visits the library and other parts of the campus
unannounced, just to see how things are going. We appreciate this
because it gives us an opportunity to discuss problems face to face,
and that would be difficult if he were not so readily available.
Mr. McNair sets high standards for all of the faculty in the forums
and assemblies and is a stimulating catalyst in the faculty dining
room. He eats there frequently and guides the conversation onto
topics that are profitable for the college and the Work.
I just want to say, Mr. Armstrong, that you made a wise choice in
the selection of Mr. McNair as deputy chancellor, and he has earned
the dedicated and loyal support of all of the faculty.
Richard E. Walther
Teen-ager Grateful for Youth Programs and His Minister
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I am 17 years old and from the Omaha Church. On the 28th of March
we had a prom and had over 200 people from seventeen different church
areas. It was one of the best times I have had since S.E.P. camp.
We are sure that you would have approved. That Sabbath Mr. Docken,
our minister, gave one of the best sermons I have ever heard. He
gave it on the youth in God's Church, and how much we mean to God
and our parents. It touched all of us to the bottom of our hearts.
I just wanted to say thanks for letting us have a Y.O.U. and a great
minister like Mr. Docken.
Mike Bashus