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Page 4
Some have been supposed to be considered in the NON-Scriptural
category of "inactive members." There is no such status given us in
the Word of God. The assumption of such status has never been official,
nor authorized by me or the Word of God.
Therefore I announce officially that no such status exists, and any
such unauthorized status is hereby discontinued.
The Bible plainly reveals that those who "ARE CHRIST'S" are members
in the Church. But WHO are Christ's? NOT those baptized in water. But,
"by ONE SPIRIT [the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD] are we all baptized [inducted
into] one body" (I Cor. 12:13). And, "Ye are not in the flesh, but in
the Spirit, IF so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any
man have not the Spirit of Christ, HE IS NONE OF HIS" (Rom. 8:9)--and
"there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have
the same care (love) one for another." (I Cor. 12:25).
Ei�her a member has and is led by the Spirit of God, and therefore
is CHRIST'S and a member of His spiritual Body,the Church, or else that
person IS NOT a member.
Therefore the so-called status of "Inactive Member'' is ABOLISHED,
and all so listed are simply not members.
The following have been disfellowshipped for cause: Joseph Kotara,
John Kineston.
This does not need to be announced.
Change in Y.O.�. Holy Day Offering Envelopes (****PLEASE ANNOUNCE****)
Special holy day offering envelopes for the Days of Unleavened Bread and
for Pentecost have been mailed to all member heads of household and to all
youths who donated last year.
This year, everyone will use the same yellow envelopes. The green envel­
opes previously designated for Y.O.U. members and younger children have
been discontinued. However, the use of the funds remains the same.
All donations from the youth are combined with the offering from the
adults and placed in the Tithe/Offering operating account for general
(Continued on Page 6)