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have been a tendency for some to ignore or try to disprove what
CHRIST has inspired.
Look, now, to the matter of HOW the original Church of God
received its truths and its doctrines. There were NO "DOCTRINAL
COMMITTEES" of special· intellectual scholars who got together and
decided on, and then gave to, the Church what it was to believe.
The living CHRIST, the HEAD of the Church, gave His Church HIS
truth THROUGH HIS APOSTLES! Through Peter, through Paul, through
James, INSPIRED through those He chose.
But ·WHY do we find so much more of the written New Testament
written by Paul than by Peter? Simply because Christ had sent Peter
and the original twelve, after Peter's visit to Babylon, to "the LOST
sheep of the House of ISRAEL"! Their identity was LOST and God
intended to leave it that way. Peter and the original twelve went to
western Europe and Britain. They dropped out of sight, so to speak.
None of New Testament Scripture was written of their work there.
Now a definition of that word "INPUT." It does not mean an
authoritative doctrine, or even a vote on such. But "input" is
welcome, to be CONSIDERED by Christ's apostle prayerfully, as led
by Christ. But the DECISION must come from CHRIST, through His
apostle. And the living Christ has maintained the mind and mental
processes of His apostle in all the vitality, clarity, UNDERSTANDING,
given him 20 years ago, and 51 years ago. Even though Moses' entire
leadership of Israelites from Egypt, through the wilderness up to the
promised land -- a period of forty years, beginning after Moses was
80 years of age, yet at age 120, his natural force and mind had not
Jesus Christ is ABLE -- and He WILL -- keep the spiritual and
mental powers of His chosen apostle sharp and keen and clear, UNTIL
Brethren, let's PLUNGE ON INTO IT, fully mindful that Christ has
again, in the eyes of the Church, ENTHRONED THE �REAT MAJESTIC GOD at
the Supreme Headship of Christ, and of His Church and Work! This is
NOT THE WORK OF MEN! This Church is the living TEMPLE to which Christ
soon will come! HE BUILT IT! And except the Eternal build the house,
they labor in vairi-that buITd it!
{Ps. 127:1).
* * *
EXPANSION IN WATS AREA One of the Work's most popular booklets, The
Modern Romans, is scheduled to be highlighted on television spot
commercials soon,and so the WATS area is gearing up for the expected
response. These commercials will be shown in approximately 60 top
markets across the United States during a nine-week period. More
phone lines are being added in the WATS area to handle the increase
in calls which we are anticipating.
Mail Update: Donation mail for July seems to be running at an average
level. Non-donation mail has been down, but there are prospects that
it will increase in the very near future. Increased Subscriber
Development mailings, more renewals, the "Co-Worker Newsletter," and