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LAWS, and codes, and rules. And we have police and other law enforce­
ment agencies.
The DIFFERENCE is that in what we erroneously call democracy,
the PEOPLE decide by vote on who shall be their leaders -- whether
mayor, or. governor or president. But THERE IS STILL RULE.
The difference, then, is that in GOD'S GOVERNMENT, GOD decides,
through Christ, WHOM He shall choose and install in office over His
people in His Church. God's apostle cannot do as he pleases in his
own personal interest, but as CHRIST leads him.
And if he doesn't? If he needs correction or removal? If so
that is CHRIST'S responsibility -- and HE WILL SEE TO IT. It is not
the responsibility of those UNDER the apostle to correct him.
"But maybe Christ is NOT LOOKING -- or maybe Christ neglects to
correct him? Should not the people under him then take it into their
hands?" To do so would be to DEFY CHRIST -- to TRY TO TAKE CHRIST'S
Brethren, whether others know it or not, I know well that Christ
is not asleep at the switch
He will not neglect His job -- and�
FEAR to disbelieve that.
The BIG POINT we must never lose sight of is that CHRIST IS THE
LIVING HEAD OF GOD'S CHURCH -- and we'd better all TREMBLE at His Word �
And that HITS THE NAIL SQUARELY ON THE HEAD. The trouble, these
past ten years, is that too many have lost sight of the fact that
CHRIST is our INSPIRED LEADER. There has been too much tendency to
look on the Church and the Work as OUR OWN SECULAR WORK
like any
worldly club or business.
You have not read, in the GOOD NEWS lately, that Mr. HWA has
set the church back on the track -- but that THE LIVING CHRIST has
moved to do it! And, to use another modern expression, "YOU'D BETTER
Now WHERE does our TEACHING come from? What doctrines and
teachings shall we accept? Those "voted" on by "the doctrinal
committee?" Fellow ministers and brethren, Christ through me has
abolished the doctrinal committee! God's Church is being set back BY
THE LIVING CHRIST on the track of ORIGINAL TRUTH as CHRIST instilled
it into God's Church through His chosen apostle!
Too little of the efforts of the "doctrinal committee" was to
find and accept genuine New truth -- but to DISprove, to alter or
change truth which Christ already had established in God's Church!
From time to time I propose to give you examples of that, as I
proceed from time to time, to RE-establish the ORIGINAL POSITIVE TRUTH Q
given us through CHRIST, correcting the errors -- though they be few--
in the "STP."
The real Head of this Church has continued to reveal NEW truth
genuine bona fide NEW truth -- through His apostle, but there seems to