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Mr. Walker, we want to ask you personally, as well as together
with the Spanish Department, to accept our gratitude for trans­
lating a long-held and heartfelt yearning into reality. It was
delightful and very pleasant to be able to enjoy fellowship and
friendship with ministers from distant lands, as well as being
able to live unforgettable moments with ministers and brethren
of the Church, who in times past as now offered us their spon­
taneous and sincere friendship and love.
We should also like to ask you, Mr. Walker, to be kind enough
to convey to Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong our sincere and faithful
love, as well as our eternal gratitude for having prepared with
such painstaking care and dedication all the invaluable teach­
ing and guidance we received. As long as we live we will be
grateful to God for having given us at this time a spiritual
father who is as loving as God's Apostle, from whom we are con­
tinually receiving knowledge, wisdom and love.
And having such a magnificent example as our inspiration, it
will encourage us to strive harder every day, and with God's help
to become better servants of the Church wherever we might be.
Alfredo and Maria Mercado
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
BANGOR, ME--LEONARD HOLLADAY: Congratulations are in order for
those working with the new Junior College. Everyone here is very
excited and grateful that more young people can attend Ambassador
for a period of time. As a Big Sandy graduate, I was personally
happy that it was reopening. Our people are very happy that Mr.
Armstrong is endeavoring to be in regional sites all over the U.S.
to speak every two weeks--We hope he can make it to New England
DETROIT, MI (EAST)--EARL H. WILLIAMS: The brethren are inspired to
see God using Mr. Armstrong so mightily. They are anxiously antici­
pating a visit from Mr. Armstrong in the near future.
encouraged by the reopening of Big Sandy and Mr. Armstrong's new
telecasts. They are excited about his comments in the co-worker
letter on the stronger thrust of the Work in regard to the broad­
cast. They keep asking when he will visit the Cincinnati area.
Everyone is very much behind Mr. Armstrong and his leadership.
WASHINGTON, o.c.--RICHARD J. FRANKEL: Highest monthly church
the last eleven months. The brethren are really
turned on now that the local church is following the balanced way
of life as taught by God's servant, Mr. Armstrong.
MEMPHIS, TN --ROWLEN TUCKER: Many highly favorable comments have
been heard locally concerning the reopening of Big Sandy as a junior
college. They are encouraged by the prospect of many more young
people now getting the chance for an Ambassador education, including
many of their own children now with increased chances for acceptance.