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going through I Corinthians 13 and 14. Thanks to you, Mr. Armstrong,
and these Bible studies, I am learning things I haven't heard before.
Bruce A. Bremer (Richfield, MN)
We have been enjoying some really interesting tapes from you at Bible
study. It is truly meaningful to listen to your explanation of God's
Word. We all look forward to it.
Mrs. Donald Bates (Poyen, AR)
Thank you for the series on I Corinthians. Not only is it enlight­
ening and educational for us, but it is good to hear from you per­
sonally. We deeply appreciate your efforts in increasing your work­
load as the end of this age quickly comes to a close. We are behind
you 100 percent. Keep up the good work!
Rhonda Stauffer (Vallejo, CA)
Thank you Mr. Armstrong for giving us such good and interesting Bible
studies. It is great to be taught by God's apostle. It seems like
you are in the room in person instead of on tape.
Mrs. W.L. Bailey (Lawton, OK)
I want to just briefly say thank you for taping the Bible studies on
Galatians and Corinthians. They have been very interesting and edu­
cational. It is wonderful to be able to hear from God's apostle in
this present age. How blessed we of the Phil�delphian era truly are.
Keep up the good work. The Church is behind you all the way.
Donna Griffith (Lower Salem, OH)
I thought you ministers might like to know how things are coming along
with the College since, I am sure, you receive many letters from students
who write to various ones in your church areas.
But before I do, I would like to ask all of you to remind the young people
in your areas who are applying to enter Ambassador for the 1981-1982 year
to have their application forms completed and in our hands
This means there will be less than a month until the deadline for the
applications to be in the hands of the Director of Admissions, Mr. Dick
Plans are coming along very well concerning the reopening of the Big Sandy
campus this autumn. The College administrators have already been named.
Mr. Leon Walker (Deputy Chancellor), Dr. Don Ward (Dean of the Faculty),
Ronald Kelly (Dean of Students), Jack Bicket (Business Manager), and Lynn
Torrance (Registrar). Most of the faculty have been selected, and I am
sure their names will be published in the near future.
I am pleased to say there will certainly be a very fine, dedicated and
competent administration and faculty at the Big Sandy campus.