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that wants to drop by for a visit. He is loyal and faithful as any­
one can be in my opinion.
Norbert Luechtefeld (Vienna, MO)
We are very blessed to have Messrs. Bertuzzi and Bacheller to pastor
our church. Mr. Bacheller has such zeal and enthusiasm for God's
Work that you can hardly wait to get about distributing magazines
and doing God's Work. Mr. Bertuzzi is just as wonderful. And God
is really cleaning us up so we can be ready for our great Savior
and coming Ruler, Jesus Christ.
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Riehl (Fort Pierce, FL)
.We want to take the opportunity to let you know how happy we are to
see God's Church continuing to be set firmly back on the track again
and how much we appreciate our pastor, Mr. Britton Taylor. He has
inspired the Corning church to great spiritual growth and unity by
his firm and loving guidance. He is supported by two fine, dedicated
elders, Mr. Lawson Price and Mr. John Lambert.
Not only has Mr. Taylor led us in a righteous manner, but he has also
set an example of spiritual strength in overcoming personal trials
that he has had since coming to this area.
He returned from the
siastic attitude and
spiritual messages.
churches and each of
Ministerial Refreshing Program with an enthu­
has been strengthening us with meaningful and
He is genuinely concerned about the two local
us individually.
This past weekend Mr. Taylor and Mr. Art Dyer from Johnstown, PA
conducted a marriage seminar for the Binghamton and Corning churches,
which showed us unlimited ways in which we can continue to strive to
grow in marriage and family unity.
We feel we have gained so much since Mr. Taylor's coming; we pray it
will be possible for us to continue to be led by his strong leadership.
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for your dedicated service in God's Work
for more than 50 years.
Duane & Nancy Sylor (Angelica, NY)
H.W.A. Bible Study Tapes Appreciated
Thank you very much for the Bible study tapes of Romans, I Corin­
thinans and II Corinthians which you have been making. They are just
what we in God's Church need. Hearing you expound these scriptures
is very instructive and helpful. It is good to hear your voice! It
sounds stronger and more vibrant than I have ever heard it. Please
do continue to make these taped Bible studies and have them sent to
the churches. Thank you once again.
Clay Mills (El Paso, TX)
I want to thank you very much for the Bible studies on the books of
Galatians and I Corinthians. I was very excited and pleased to hear
you explain I Corinthians 7 and why it is better for a man to be
married. You also cleared up very nicely the tongues question while