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"Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ, that� all speak the same thing, and � h � t there be no .
divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly Joined together in the
same mind and in the same judgment" (I Cor. 1:10).
God did not inspire the apostle Paul to mean that wrong kind
of "yes-men" -- insipid, weak, fear-minded men concerned with self­
interest� What He did mean is that we should all be led by the same
Spirit -- God's Holy Spirit. He meant, as Paul wrote to the Phillip­
pians, that we should through the Holy Spirit be "likeminded, having
the same love, being of one accord, of one �ind." He said, "Let
nothing be done through strife or vainglory" /vanity to exalt self,
or further one's personal interests7; but in lowliness of mind let
each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man to nis
own things.•.let this mind be in you which was also
Christ Jesus"
(Phil. 2: 1-5).
You,are not, then, allowed by God each to.preach his own inter­
pretatio:.-i:s, but rather as Christ leads the TEAM!
In ·other words, God inspired Paul to admonish us: Be strong-minded,
be Spirit-minded, and Spirit-led. Let God's Spirit make us all of
as a TEAM -- let your part
God's Work be your part in
a TEAM EFFORT -- all together in one accord!
But There Must Be Team Leadership
God wants us to be always mindful that to be� team, there must
O .
But HOW?
We must always keep in mind that JESUS CHRIST is the living HEAD
of the Church. But HOW does Christ head the Work? He does not Him­
self personally, by personal contact with each department and each
member, carry on the Work. He does NOT lead God's Work through the
self-will of each minister or individual, each pulling his own direction
to do his own thing.
�- -�
Jesus Christ leads God's Work through human leaders whom HE (not
the members by vote) CHOOSES, and works through.
In the days of ancient Israel in the wilderness, God worked
through Moses. When Aaron and Miriam challenged Moses' leadership,
-- when they wanted equal "say-so" -- God sternly rebuked them! He
punished-Miriam with temporary leprosy. And when Korah led a group
challenging Moses' leadership, God caused them to be swallowed up
by the earth!
Yet many seem to think God has CHANGED -- or lost His interest
or power! Some knowing these facts full well, have not feared to
challenge the leadership of CHRIST'S choosing today! Perhaps these
have become unmindful that they are being judged by God, NOW!
"Yes" one may argue,
under the NEW Testament! "but that was Old Testament stuff!
God has CHANGED! "
We are