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Sabbath question -- I had discovered, with PROOF, the permanency of
God's annual Sabbaths and feasts, as well.
In all this I had not found or proved what I wanted. Also I saw
proved clearly that "all these churches" were emphatically WRONG!
Most important, I was brought to see, against my will, that I HAD
BEEN WRONG -- not only on the Sabbath truth, but in what I actually
had just been wrong all over!
was brought to the REPENTANCE that is complete SURRENDER to the
will of God! I was brought to the unconditional surrender of being
willing to say, with Christ, "Not MY will, but THINE be done!" I
was brought, not only to complete repentance, but to living FAITH�­
to BELIEVE GOD -- that is, to believe what He says!
To God
said, "YES, SIR!" In utter sincerity, I literally GAVE
MYSELF to Jesus Chris� He had bought and paid for me with His life's
became a "YES-MAN" to Christ!
Through human weaknesses,
have not succeeded perfectly in leav­
ing my life in His hands -- but that has always remained my INTENTION
my motivating attitude!
GAVE my life over to Jesus Christ
honestly by that time
had come to feel I was not giving Him anything of value. But, I did
feel, if He could USE this worthless life of mine -- it was now His
to use!
The living Christ inspired the apostle John to say that even we
Christians will not live perfect lives -- BUT, he added, "if we con­
fess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and
to cleanse us from all unrighteousness!" I still keep asking for that
cleansing. But I did become Christ's "yes-man."
gave� "doing�
own thing!
And I hope all our administrative people and all our ministers
and their wives, as well as the entire body of God's Church, also are
that kind of "yes-men."
There is a vast difference between being an insipid, "yes-man"
weakling through cringing FEAR -- and being resolute and strong-minded,
imbued with the Holy Spirit of God.
On the other hand there is also a vast difference between that
and being stubbornly "mule-minded," each pulling his own way, and
doing his own thing!
What God intends us to be -- what we MUST be to succeed in His
Work -- is resolute people, imbued with the HOLY SPIRIT of God, re­
cognizing that Jesus Christ is our LEADER, and we plunge forth, all
of the same mind (that of Christ) -- in PERFECT HAR�ONY AND UNITY -­
allspeak1ng the same thing.
Listen then, to God's command: