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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 27, 1981
Page 17
years. He is so inspiring. It makes you want God's Kingdom
right now. I just pray that I can be worthy when the time comes.
It is getting scary and real serious now. I know we can't put
things off any longer.
Carol Pratwick (Dunedin, FL)
I would like to thank you deeply (Mr. Armstrong) for sending Mr.
Gerald Waterhouse on a tour of the Canadian cities. In his unique
style, he gave an outline of the government of God as administered
both in the Church today and in the world tomorrow. The whole crux
of his message was that we should be 100% loyal and faithful in
backing you up as God's apostle.
Mr. Waterhouse helped us all to clearly see how God has raised you
up specifically as His end-time apostle, and how we are part of your
team with Jesus Christ as our Head.
Eli Chiprout (Montreal, Canada)
Readers Grateful for Booklets
Thank you very much for sending me all the literature, especially
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. When I first received the booklet, I thought
to myself, "The Ten Commandments, so what? I already know all
about that!" Actually, I didn't know a fraction of the truth that
was in the booklet.
Your publication opened my eyes to see the Ten Commandments as the
basis for all law. In addition, it pointed out transgressions I
had never thought of before. Of all the booklets that I have read,
I believe THE TEN COMMANDMENTS is the most enlightening.
Martin Hrachovy (Houston, TX)
Many years ago, you sent me your booklet, THE UNITED STATES AND
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH IN PROPHECY. To this day, I'm deeply indebted
to Mr. Armstrong for that booklet. With it he opened the way to
a true understanding of the Bible.
Dora B. (Dusseldorf, West Germany)
UNVEILED AT LAST. You sure have done a wonderful job letting people
know what's really happening and what we all better do for ourselves
and others.
Richard Jendro (Little Falls, MN)
I recently had the opportunity to read your
THE SILENT EPIDEMIC. I am a health teacher
the health program for our school district.
of sexually-transmitted diseases in our high
pamphlet that you publish is one of the best
would like to use it as a part of our study.
publication FACTS ON VD:
and the coordinator of
We include the study
school classes. The
that I have seen. I
I noticed that the publication is free, but I would like to have 40
copies to be used by the students. We could reuse them after class.
Would you please send 40 copies and along with them you can include