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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 27, 198�
had the pleasure of organizing and 9articipating in as far as
attitude, �ooperation, and general participation are concerned.
Also, the new YOUTH 81 magazine was really splendid in every way.
I really feel it was fitting to have the very fine portrait of
you on the cover of the first issue, since God has used you to do
so much for the youth in the Church as a result of establishing
the Church through you and keeping it on the right track through
Jeff McGowan
Bermuda Y.O.U. Member Appreciates Film
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I am a member of the Y.O.U. in Bermuda. Recently we saw the film
called ''Even From My Youth." I enjoyed it very much. The other
Y.O.U. members and I would like very much if you made more films
like that one. rt was clear to me and I understood it. I really
hope that you make more films like that. I am sure that other
Y.O.U. clubs around the world would enjoy it also.
Khandi Weller
Weekly Letter Comments
Mr. Gerald Waterhouse recently completed another tour of qhurches world­
wide. Here, in retrospect, are comments showing the members' enthusiasm
as he expounded the message of the Kingdom of God. Also included this
week are letters from people who have requested the Work's booklets and
found them informative, educational and thought provoking. Many are
grateful for the understanding they have received from them. Lastly,
youth share their appreciation for Y.O.U. and the true values they have
Mr. Waterhouse Inspires Brethren Worldwide
Last night our church had the opportunity to hear Mr. Waterhouse.
WOW!!! What a boost and blessing! It's been such a long time
since I've heard him expound God's plan. The words of encourage­
ment and warning are well taken. Also, it is good to have a clearer
picture of what lies ahead in the future. I certainly want to
continue to be a staunch member of the team!
Mrs. Janet Farnsworth (Gardenia, CA)
I want to thank Mr. Gerald Waterhouse for his sermon when he was
in Portland. My 15-year-old son finally saw the part our young
people will have in the millennium and on into the new heavens
and earth. Mr. Waterhouse made it so plain that even the youth
could understand.
Dorothy Stanley (Brush Prairie, WA)
It was so good to hear Mr. Waterhouse here in St. Petersburg,
Florida. This was the best sermon I have heard him give in 17