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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 27, 1981
we lose." Hopefully in a couple of weeks it will once again be
"heads we win."
Earl and Carol Roemer
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
JOPLIN, MO--VINCE SZYMKOWIAK: Brethren overall are very loyal to
Mr. Armstrong and the Work. However, Satan is continuing to strike
at God's people through various ways. The brethren seem to be work­
ing harder on their marriage problems and other personal problems.
OMAHA, NB--ARTHUR W. DOCKEN: Mr. Armstrong's latest Co-Worker/Member
letter sparked a great deal of interest. Drought conditions have
not been worse since the 30's--recent snow helped but only a little.
In spite of problems the members generally have a very positive
HOUSTON NORTH, TX--JOHN OGWYN: Things are going well overall--no
major problems. Very good enthusiasm over YOUTH 81 and overall
emphasis on youth and family.
SANTA BARBARA, CA--LES McCOLM: Enthusiasm is still very high for
Mr. Armstrong's trip to Japan and the Philippines. Have been keep­
ing the congregation informed by reading most of the Pastor's Report
--including some of the letters.
SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA--LES McCOLM: We had two record attendances this
month. Some of the increase is due to having services in the after­
noon, but most of them are new PM's or members of families who have
neglected services for some time.
Special Letters of Interest and Appreciation
Truth Rides in Back Seat for Three Months!
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I feel that I must tell you of the amazing way The PLAIN TRUTH
entered my life. Approximately 6 months ago I bought a used car.
I noticed a copy of your magazine in the back seat. Never having
heard of your publication, I assumed it was some sort of automotive
manual that came along with the car. Several times I started to
throw it away, but something told me not to. So for three months
I rode around with your magazine in the back seat. Then one day
while cleaning out the car, I decided to go ahead and throw it away.
However, for some odd reason I went back to the trash can and got
it out. Still not knowing the nature of the magazine, I began to
flip the pages and read the titles of different articles. Never
before have I had such a feeling of discovery. I read every single
article before putting the magazine down. I feel that God led that
person, whoever it might have been, to leave your magazine in the
car and also led me to retrieve it from the garbage.
Thank you for answering so many questions and for helping me under­
stand the Bible. I have been a Christian since I was eight years
old, but never before have I truly understood the meaning behind