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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 13, 1981
A blind member for whom I was a reader in those days, was stricken
with acute appendicitis. He was anointed by God's minister, and
seven days later was completely healed!
As long as we obey and trust Him, God never fails to heal
immediately, slowly, or certainly in the first resurrection!
Mr. & Mrs. Crawford Lindsay (Chicago, IL)
God saved my life, or I should say, prevented me from dying recently.
I was admitted into the hospital for diabetes mellitus. If God
hadn't intervened and had me fired as a Basic Leadership Instructor
I would have gone into a diabetic coma sometimes that night or early
next morning.
My blood pressure and my sugar count were both very high when I
entered the hospital. The doctors and nurses that examined me said
that medically there was no way that I should have been walking.
God gave me enough strength to reach the hospital and then increased
that strength so that I would yet live awhile longer.
R.M. (Apo, NY)
I just had to tell you how our great and merciful, loving God again
intervened and healed me. After having an annoying, unnatural bowel
condition for almost three weeks, I called for an anointed cloth,
believing in faith that God would heal. Two days after the anointing
was my first normal day.
M.S. (Denver, CO)
What Overseas Readers Say About Our Literature
I am an old woman of seventy-five, entirely alone, having outlived
my loved ones and old friends. I derive great pleasure and comfort
from The PLAIN TRUTH which I have been reading avidly, as well as
your other books. I have always ready my Bible, but have never been
able to really understand it. I think I am more enlightened now. I
enjoy Mr. Armstrong the most. The last three years have been a great
trial for me, almost as bad as Job's experiences. Your books have
helped me come through the nightmare.
I.C. (Staffs, United Kingdom)
I am requesting some additional literature if it can be spared. My
literature gets passed on to and around my friends who are too shy
to write and request it for themselves. Most of them belong to the
Church of England, and I can assure you they are asking their minister
some very hard-to-answer questions. Poor fellow.
W.J .W. (Hurstville South, Australia)
I would like to say that I have been receiving LA PURA VERDAD and
other literature from your organization for a long time. We have
a saying here in Guatemala that goes something like this: