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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 13, 1981
Page 13
I find it very exciting to think that God is using your ability to
write ads to spread the Gospel so effectively. How nice it will be
when advertisers stop long enough before they copy your ads to read
the message and have the information sink in!
The Glovers (Jerico , VT)
God's People Being Healed
Shortly after the Feast of Tabernacles in 1979, I noticed a rather
large lump in my breast.
It grew rapidly and within a few months
the pain was almost constant.
I was anointed last January by our
minister, Mr. Billingsley, but the growth did not seem to slow.
Several times when the pain was severe, God intervened after Mr.
Billingsley prayed for me. The encouraging articles on faith and
healing saw me through some very difficult times.
My husband and I, and our two little children, never doubted that
God would heal me. Although I was told by the doctor that this was
probably cancer, I am happy to say that the lump, once as large as
a tennis ball, has completely disappeared.
We have no doubt that God can and does heal today.
Beverly Butler (Fresno, CA)
My sister Liz had a very serious life or death accident. Her very
broken and wounded body was a big shock to her family. We immedi­
ately called Mr. Stoner, our minister, who came, prayed and sat with
The doctor told us, "Don't expect any miracles," but we did expect
miracles! Well, they came more than we could count. Liz's recovery
had everyone in the hospital surprised.
We can count on God!! My sister is living proof.
Anne Nouhan (Holland, MI)
I am 81 years old. I too was brought back to life just as you were
(Mr. Armstrong). One Sabbath in Church I passed out and quit
breathing. The minister came down from the pulpit--so I was told-­
and anointed me and prayed. When the congregation saw what was
happening they all bowed in silent prayer. I didn't know anything,
only what I was told.
They called an ambulance and took me to the hospital.
seemed puzzled, as tests showed I had quit breathing.
I could come home if someone would stay with me.
I have been healed other times before this.
The doctor
But he said
Mrs. Myrtle Stuart (Hickory, NC)
In 1965 I was anointed for glaucoma, but my sight deteriorated
till I was functionally blind in 1967. Still, I trusted God,
and my sight began improving till in 1969 it was 20/20!