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cliche by now, but we really do mean that). l think we can all
look at ourselves and say that we have learned valuable lessons
in recent months. Above all, I believe its very important t�2t
God has lifted up Mr. Herbert
Armstrong as our physical leader
under the living Christ. How good to have fear ss GOD-CENTERED,
HUMBLE & OBEDIENT leaders in God's Church.
J.W. ,
(Carneg , Vic., Australia
Thank you very much for the very fine d icated ministers we have.
We have met them all now, and know we are in safe hands. It is a
joy now, a joy and happiness to go to Sabbath services and know we
are going to hear God's Truth expounded to us.
Our local minister is fantastic (we have met his wi
also) and he
has helped us very much to see where we had become too relaxed (and
even worldly) in some instances. Yes, he has told us where we are
wrong, and we love him for it. What words can we say? How can we
express our thanks to you all? We can only pray with thankful hearts,
brimful with love for God's wonderful church, and our beloved Mr.
M.S. Clarendon, (S.A., Australia)
wanted to let you know how much we appreciate our minister in the
Roanoke Church, Mr. Bob Persky. He is so dedicated to you, Mr.
Armstrong, and to God's Church. He is always talking about how
important it is to support you. And we have learned so much from
him about God's government that I never understood before. It is
nice to have our very own minister and not have to share him with
another church area. He has done so much to help each of us and
the Church as a whole to grow spiritually.
Dianne Roschelli (Showsville, VA)
wish to thank you (Mr. Armstrong) for sending Mr. Earl Roemer to
us. He is so sincerely dedicated to the Work and preaches God's Word
right down the line in real, loyal and loving dedication. His ser­
mons are extremely inspiring and we love him. Thanks also for Mr.
Glenn Doig and all the other ministers we have the opportunity to
Mrs. Joseph Seeholzer (Anchorage, AK)
Just a short note to tell you how very much I will miss our pastor,
Mr. Lyall Johnston. In my opinion, he is the ideal pastor. He
always has the welfare of his congregation uppermost on his mind.
When we need correction, he gives it to us without mincing words,
whether we like it or not. He can see our failings when we cannot.
He is generous with praise when we do well. He has been with us
(the Wheeling, WV church) only a short while. Now he is being
transferred back to his native New Zealand. We will miss him more
than words can express. He is dedicated, honest, courageous, im­
partial and compassionate. Truly a man of God.
Mrs. Pauline Huey (Weirton, IrN)
Thank you (Mr. Armstrong) for giving us Mr. Al Kersha. He is an
ideal minister, very family and people-oriented, and very conscien-