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A Church magazine for the teens is a great idea. Il's a good feel­
ing to know that finally most of our qu�stions will be answered.
I'm very excited about the magazine and can't wait until the first
ca�la Becker--13 yrs. (Saskatchewan, Canada)
I think a magazine for us is great. It can help us realize that
God cares about the decisions we make in our lives and that He wants
us to live according to His laws. That way He can bless us with
long, prosperous lives. Thank you!
Anthony Curry--18 yrs. (St. Louis, MO)
I think the idea of our own magazine, YOUTH 81, is great! I would
like you (Mr. Armstrong) to write analogies, comparing our goal (the
Kingdom!) with the goals and trials of great heroes and athletes,
so that more kids can understand this way of life. I want my friends
to go this way of life and I want to also! It's hard sometimes--real
hard! But one has to keep on keepin' on!!! We can't forget our goal!
Debbie Browning--16 yrs. (Pasadena, TX)
I am very pleased to hear about YOUTH 81. It will do all of us
young people a lot of good. It is just what we need. - I think that
with a magazine like this, a lot more young people will read it,
knowing that it was written especially for their generation. I
want to thank you very much, Mr. Armstrong, for what you are doing
for us and pray that this magazine is a success in reaching the
younger generation.
Beth Grosz--16 yrs. (Omaha, NE)
YOUTH 81 is just one more blessing that God has given to the teen­
agers in His Church. I'm sure that I speak for all the teens when
I say we have been waiting a long time for such a blessing. It will
help us in our daily lives, as we are faced with the problems and
challenges of this world. Patience truly is a virtue! I will go
so far as to say that this magazine is also a blessing for the
parents in the Church; it will, hopefully, make it easier for them
to teach their children the true values of God.
Steven Mooney--16 yrs. (Mobile, AL)
I am so pleased to know that you have thought of a magazine that
would help us teens to better cope with the world today. The
school system is so hard and sinful now; it scares me. I just
pray that I will be able to withstand the pressures we have to go
through in the school system and the world today. So I hope and
pray that YOUTH 81 will help me to learn and understand the things
I need to know to become a good wholesome woman as God expects, and
be able to one day have a family like I should. Thank you Mr.
Armstrong and keep up the great work.
Beth Wilson--15 yrs. (Greensboro, NC)
Brethren Inspired by Their Ministers
May I take the opportunity to express our great joy at seeing
the Church and Work back on the track (it may sound [like a]