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Missing Dimension in Sex Welcomed
Thank you so much for updating the MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX. It is
very badly needed. My younger daughter is in a local college. The
marriage and family course she is taking offers alternatives to
marriage, including homosexuality. The world is indeed sick. It
is totally disgusting to see what education is being fed to our
vulnerable young people. It makes me sick.
Mrs. Delores Schiller (Newbury Park, CA)
I too share your concern and convictions about family life and the
"new" morality. It is not morality but immorality. I have two "sets"
of grandchildren by two "separate" wives of my dear son. Unfortunately,
I have seen the breakdown of family life right in our "own circle."
I would appreciate it very much if you would send me three copies of
your book, THE MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX--I have a great need to give
them to my grandchildren's parents.
Richard Wilkinson (Bridgeport, TX)
I praise God for inspiring you to write the new book THE MISSING
DIMENSION IN SEX. I prayed for help with my marriage and our child.
I know sex has a great deal, if not everything, to do with my failing
marriage. The book will help me so very much.
Mrs. Michelle Gadson (Cincinatti, OH)
Thank you for your most enlightening and interesting letter from
Jerusalem. I heartily agree with the fact that family life in America
and other countries is deteriorating at a rapid pace. I have asked
myself and others, "How can humanity get any lower?"
What nerve calling it the "New Morality." For the most part there's
very little morality left in our society. People today are bold as
"brass," as the saying goes. They don't know what it means to be
ashamed. Our present generation is a different breed--it has grown
up with TV illustrating crime from the time they are old enough to
watch to their present age. People are what they feed on; no wonder
we have such crime among young people. They are stoned out of their
minds because of drugs and alcohol. What a waste of humanity.
Eleanore Stout (Dayton, OH)
Just received your letter. How enlightening it was. I am requesting
a copy of your book THE MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX. I am seventy-seven
years old but have married children who have teen-agers. They are
churchgoers but say we are old-fashioned if we do not approve of the
way they raise the young ones. They believe in church every Sunday,
but will not listen if you try to show them how they are going against
the commandments. It seems they all believe in free sex. It is the
way the world lives. I am old-fashioned. Why can't they teach their
children to live differently? I'm beginning to believe you have to be
old nowadays to know right from wrong. What a pity. My prayers are
that the next generation will learn differently. Or will it be too
Jean Dodge (Crown Point, IN)