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Weekly Letter Comments
We receive numerous accounts from people who are thrilled at learning the
truth of the Bible through our publications. People are also voicing agree­
ment with Mr. Armstrong's description in his semi-annual letter of today's
moral decline and corruption. They eagerly welcome his revised book, THE
MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX. And the brethren truly appreciate and enjoy Mr.
Armstrong's Bible study tapes in which he expounds God's Word, as well as
conunents about his personal life.
Our Literature is a Wellspring of Truth
Just a note of thanks for the superb literature and magazines I have
been privileged to read. I have gained much joy and knowledge from
all the materials, including your beautiful books. No amount of money
can pay for the benefits I have received from my association with the
Worldwide Church of God.
Mrs. William R. Gray, Sr. (Lake Park, FL)
I am so glad to have found the real truth of the Bible. When I get
started reading the literature from your church, I find it so thrill­
ing and satisfying that I cannot put it down until I completely finish
each booklet! I have three children and they are always asking me
questions. Before I started reading your material, I didn't know how
to answer them because I had the same questions in my own mind.
Pauline Green (Dandridge, TN)
Once again I write you with a request for some more booklets. This
is the first time I have really found Bible study so interesting. I
cannot help but be truthful with you. For 13 1/2 years I thought I
was a Christian and doing God's will, but what an eye-opening I have
had since I got your magazine and booklets. I really did not know
that I was worshipping paganism with its days, idols, etc. God has
given me true knowledge through your booklets. Thank you very much.
A.R.B. (Bradford, U.K.
I have begun reading some of your literature and now I cannot seem to
turn from it. I have always wanted to know just what the Bible was
trying to tell me, but I just did not seem to grasp its true meaning.
Now that I have a guide to go by, it gets easier to understand and
find the true meaning of the Bible.
Ricky Escobedo (El Paso, TX)
I would like to order some more of your booklets. My family has
become so intrigued by your literature. We want to learn all we
possibly can. It is bringing a definite change to our lives. Thank
Lisa Hugo (Memphis, TN)
All of the ''great wealth" of materials you have sent has been just
that--great wealth! It certainly helps to fill the void left when we
became disillusioned with the church we were attending. This litera­
ture makes much more sense.
Mrs. Janie N. Spruiell (South Dayton, FL)