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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 26, 1980
Page 6
I have just heard you speak on T.V., and I must say that what I
heard you say today makes only sense to me. It was so very intelĀ­
ligently put.
With so much propaganda floating through the airways today regarding
religion, it is very difficult to find anything worth believing or
even listening to. One is so inundated with words and pictures (90
percent or more of such being unfit for human consumption, let alone
human belief} that it is very tough to be anything but apathetic,
pessimistic, and downright depressed.
I just wanted to tell you how much I truly appreciated the privilege
of hearing such an intelligent Christian speak; I would be very
honored to receive your literature.
Suzanne L. Chilow (Reno, NV}
I would really appreciate your sending me The PLAIN TRUTH magazines
you and your associates have published. I watched your show for the
first time this evening and I like the way you interpret the Holy
Bible and I would like to learn more through your teachings.
Robin B. (Newcastle, Ont., Canada}
I loved your TV sermon today. You are the greatest Bible teacher,
and the only minister who does not ask for contributions each time
we hear you--in fact, you never do it.
Would you please send me the booklet you mentioned "The Kingdom of
Heaven"--I think that was the title. I cannot wait until next
Sunday to see and hear you again--your time on the air is much too
short. I understand how expensive it all is and appreciate your
every minute. You have changed my life--you have taught me to know
God, and to love Him and His Word. And I love you for this awakening.
Ann Brennan (Camarillo, CA}
December PT Has Impact
I just looked at this month's PLAIN TRUTH and all I can say is--WOW!
Can you make the best better? Well, I guess you can!
Rod King (Phoenix, AZ}
Congratulations to you on your good and informative article on
Islam, "Seeing the World Thrcugh Islamic Eyes" (PLAIN TRUTH,
December 1980). This article is one of the very few that treats
the subject in an objective manner. Keith W. Stump succeeds in
projecting most of what Muslims believe in.
Articles of this caliber would certainly improve the chances of
understanding between Muslims and other faithfuls, like Christians
and Jews. Thanks again for publishing such a wonderful article.
M.A. Buraey, President of the Muslim Students
Association (Chapel Hill, SC}
I have just gotten back from a three-week stay with friends in
Munich, Germany. While there, I was able to watch the German
elections on television. Now I read about Chancellor Helmut