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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 26, 1980
Page 5
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I recently attended a Refreshing Program session with my husband
and I would like to thank you very much for the entire program. It's
a very necessary program and we both benefited from it a great deal.
We want to be in tune with what God wants us to be doing, and through
you and your guidance in this program we were instructed and taught
by those anxious and careful to pass on your instructions as God
would want us taught. It was very helpful and inspiring as well as
a very enjoyable three weeks. We were treated so well and we thank
you too for all the benefits and wonderful opportunities we receive
in God's Work.
Also, what we know about how to have happy marriages and family
lives has come through you, too, and we deeply appreciate this infor­
mation and the benefit we've reaped in our lives with that knowledge.
As the wife of a minister I'd like to give you a special thanks for
including us in the Refreshing Program. As we are involved in the
ministry we need and appreciate the instruction and correction for
our growth and service to the church and our husbands, and most of
all to our Creator. So thank you for everything! We very much
appreciate, love and respect you, Mr. Armstrong!!
Mrs. Jeff McGowan
Weekly Letter Comments
Viewers of the telecast find Mr. Armstrong's program interesting, thought­
provoking and unique. Otner comments show the December PLAIN TRUTH was
well received, with several of the writers being commended for their
articles. Then several comments from members express appreciation and
enjoyment of The WORLDWIDE NEWS. Especially commented on was Mr. Arm­
strong's tribute to Mr. Rader entitled, "A Persecuted But Faithful
Servant of God."
Reactions to the Telecast
It is encouraging to hear a man with your convictions on television.
I totally agree with your views. Hopefully your message will steam­
roll into a movement that affects the lives of all Americans. To
help you in your crusade I have enclosed a small donation. Keep up
the great work.
Mary Mcclintock (Evanston, IL)
I happened to turn on the T.V. one day and caught part of your
program. I found it very interesting and easy to relate to. I
shall continue to listen to your program when possible.
Elaine Donofrio (Port Colborne, Ont., Canada)
Please send me your pamphlets on why we were born and [about) being
born again. I've been watching your program for the past few weeks
and find it fascinating: you bring up issues that I have never heard
other pastors discuss, especially in the manner that you discuss
Nancy B. Fraser (Long Island, NY)