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PA�TOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 19, 1980
Page 8
me. I am always thankful to that unknown person who put my name on
your mailing list years ago.
I even find myself asking what I would do if you stopped writing.
You have said there are only a few called-out ones. Therefore I do
not really expect a replacement of you. May all your wishes, desires,
plans and dreams become realities before your very eyes.
Huey J. Fox (Puerto Rico, W.I.)
God's Hand at Work in Peoples' Lives
God has really blessed my family in the past two weeks! My Mom
began having excruciating back pains which caused her to lose her
job. Just a week earlier I lost my job. My paychecks practically
supported Mom, my sister and me. It seemed like the "red carpet"
had been pulled from under our feet. So Mom and I turned to God
and asked Him to pull us through. We asked Him to correct us, if
need be, and to take this burden from our shoulders.
I just can't tell you how wonderful God has been to us! My Mom got
another job just eight miles from our home, whereas she was driving
16 miles before. She is now getting paid much more. And her boss,
who also gave me a job, refuses to let her do any heavy work.
Not only did we both get another job, but all of a sudden out of the
wild blue yonder my Dad, who has been divorced from Mom since I was
5, called and said he was putting a check in the mail for $200 to
buy our school clothes! I just thank God and pray that He will bless
others who are just as unfortunate as us at times. I know for a fact
that He hears our prayers.
Lynn Cloud--16 years (Lumberton, MS)
It's a miracle that I have my present job with the school district.
I went for an interview and was hired for the first week during the
Feast. I told them I couldn't work that first week and they said
they would call me to let me know if I got the job. I went to the
Feast, came home, and my new job was waiting for me! God is so very
good to all of us.
Gloria Grennap (Long Beach, CA)
We are thankful to God for providing us with a job after being laid
off for four months. We know God helped my husband get the job.
They were not hiring, but�mething came up," so they needed two
pipe fitters.
Mrs. Norman G. Williams, Jr. (Yoakum, TX)
I shall never forget the protection the Eternal God gave my daughter,
Sara, who was left virtually unscratched when a large, heavy piece
of glass shattered into a thousand little pieces. It is more than
evident that the hand of God can work this type of miracle.
Adelina N. (Moita, Portugal)