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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 19, 1980
Page 7
I have read your full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal on "What's
Wrong With Business and Industry," and am interested in receiving
your booklet entitled THE SEVEN LAWS OF SUCCESS. Your ad was very
worthwhile reading and right to the point. Thanking you in advance,
with kindest personal regards and best wishes to you for continued
success, good health and happiness.
Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of the
Treasury, State Treasury Building
(Annapolis, MD)
What International PT Readers Say
I would like to express to you my thanks for your publications.
There definitely is something different about your magazines, some­
thing good; there is even a lot of thought put into the titles. I
always enjoy reading them and perhaps like many others, re-reading
them. I have yet to receive better mail than your publications.
G.W.R. (Palm Beach, QLD. , Australia)
I first received copies of The PLAIN TRUTH a few years ago. I found
it both interesting and thought-stimulating. I also found, to my
amazement, that it answered a much needed spiritual "yearning" from
within me, the issues being very practical in "tying-up" mankind's
role throughout the world. I need this therapy again, and am really
rather glad I stumbled across your recent advertisement.
K.P.J. (Herts., Britain)
I'm a new subscriber to The PLAIN TRUTH. Please send me a copy of
the magazine every month because it helps a lot in my studies. The
contents of The PLAIN TRUTH are very interesting. It's better to
read The PLAIN TRUTH than to read comics. Thank you very much.
Gino M. Mirandilla (Daraga, Albay, Philippines)
I must say I am very excited after reading through your issue of The
PLAIN TRUTH magazine. I am only struck by the very fact that Mr.
Armstrong is able to write such a large quantity of material with
so many responsibilities on hand. I am only too aware that only the
strength and help of God is keeping him. I must say a big thank you
to all who have made it possible for me to receive The PLAIN TRUTH
Marilyn Johnson (Westmoreland, Jamaica, W.I.)
I am more than pleased with The PLAIN TRUTH magazine. As an indivi­
dual trying hard to be a true child of God, it enlightens me in areas
where I was confused. I praise the Lord for giving me a chance to
understand the world in these trying days, through your magazine. I
hope everyone will keep up with the financial support needed to keep
your organization going.
God bless you all!
Rose H. (Devon, Alberta, Canada)
I have finished coffee and with The PLAIN TRUTH before me I feel more
grateful than usual to be privileged to read and glean a little
better understanding of the meaning of things that puzzle and torment