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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 19, 1980
Page 5
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Since Ruth and I returned from the Refreshing Program, both congrega­
tions responded enthusiastically to the reports of the lectures and
resultant plans for sermons, Bible studies, special programs and
socials, and church organization in general.
The Refreshing Course was just superb. It was what we needed to
reinspire and motivate us in God's service. Whereas most experiences
in life don't turn out to be as great as we anticipate, this experi­
ence exceeded our expectations by far. The training and knowledge
gained was excellent--better than any conference we've ever attended!
It was truly refreshing to see everyone working together with un­
reserved positive attitudes. The two themes of the importance of our
calling and responsibilities and the importance of our lovely and
dedicated wives' calling and responsibilities with us were emphasized
throughout the program and were much appreciated.
It was just an
overall uplifting, rejuvenating and (aptly named) refreshing experi­
ence that we very deeply appreciate!
Daughter's Detatched Retina Healed
"\""" ---
Mitchell and Ruth Knapp
In the evening of November 23, 1980, our daughter Ramona was hit in
the right eye with a pellet that had ricocheted off a garage dumpster
while she and her brother were visiting their Mom in Tyler, Texas.
On the morning of the 25th the specialist was finally able to check
the eye for damage. The news was not good. The impact of the pellet
had torn the bottom of the retina loose and the eye would require
Being new to the Austin area from Cincinnati, I did not know many
people here to call and ask for prayer so I called my Mom in Cin­
cinnati and asked her to call around up there for prayers that the
eye would be healed before we returned to Austin.
Arrived in Austin the evening of the 25th and went to the eye
specialist here.
He examined the eye.
He examined the eye again,
and again. Finally he said that he could not find any damage to
the eye that would require his services. He examined the eye some
more. Said that he did not know what the doctor in Tyler had seen
and that the eye would continue to clear up.
It was clearly an intervention by God. Also makes us more apprecia­
tive of the blessing of little children, because if the pellet had
hit anywhere else and at any other angle, my daughter would have lost
the sight in that eye.
(Until God would heal it of course.)
It also sobers us because it was by the stripes on the back of Christ
that Ramona was healed and spared more suffering.
Ron Collins, Austin, TX
(Submitted by HarGld Rhodes)