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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 19, 1980
Page 4
by their service to us. We left the program feeling very much chal­
lenged to come back to the local area and begin to really serve the
churches "as we have been taught."
We also appreciated your decision to make the wives a part of the
program. That helped to crystalize the concept of the ministry as
a "team" responsibility.
There are many other aspects about the program for which we could
thank you, but we just hope that our actions will begin to show how
valuable this program has been for us.
Dave and Becky Johnson
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I am so grateful to God that His mercy has been shown through you
to develop and administer the Ministerial Refreshing Program to
gently correct and instruct us from the error of our ways that have
crept in over the years. I feel that the Ministerial Refreshing
Program has to be among one of the most wonderful experiences I have
had while being in the Church of God, and there have been many wonder­
ful experiences while I have been in the Church.
While I read the letters extolling the virtues of the Ministerial
Refreshing Program, I felt it just could not be as great as the
letters proclaimed. Well, after having the opportunity to attend, it
was better than words could describe. Thank you again for all your
efforts to make us the most effective ministry possible in our
service in God's great end-time Work.
Jeff McGowan
Dear Mr. Tkach:
We have now settled a new address for ourselves in our new home
city of Newcastle, Australia, having been transferred here from
Wellington, New Zealand during the Refreshing Program we attended
straight after the Feast.
In the few weeks we have been here, we have seen how valuable the
Refreshing Program was to us, coming as it did just before moving to
this new area. How much strength and stability it gives God's people
here to be able to say "I know what the apostle is teaching" on so
many matters! More and mo�I have the conviction as to how
important it is that our brethren hear much from Mr. Armstrong,
whether through his autobiography or similar recently-written
reminiscences, or through the Refreshing Program as conducted by
"faithful men" (II Tim. 2:2).
Let us add our thanks to those who have already expressed theirs!
And please keep sending the Pastor General's Report.
Gary and Pam Harvey