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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 12, 1980
Page 10
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Recently we began attending the classes of the Ministerial Refreshing
Program. We wanted to drop you a short note to tell you that we feel
it is a great program and feel it will help us as faculty members in
the College.
This program is a great improvement over the sabbatical program of
the past. The old program failed to increase one's knowledge of the
Bible and how to be a· more effective servant of Jesus Christ. In­
stead, many classes contained a subtle move to discredit certain
doctrines and prophetic understandings of the Church.
The students
left the class with more questions than answers.
The Refreshing Program, on the other hand, is just the opposite ot an
undermining of people's faith.
Instead, it rekindles on0
s desire
to do the Work of God.
It brings back old enthusiasms which are so
common to those who still have their first love.
If any program can
bring about a "revival" to God's ministry--it would have to be one
such as this which is so meticulous in presenting the teachings which
God has revealed to His apostle. The only way this program could be
improved is if you taught it personally.
We continue to pray for your health as you lead us in the most impor­
tant Work on the face of the earth.
Wesley and Linda White
Mr. Tkach:
I know you have received many dozens of notes about the Refreshing
Program that is currently being taught for the ministry, but I must
add a few comments for my wife and me. We had a splendid three weeks
at Pasadena. The opportunity to fellowship with other ministers from
all over the globe was priceless. The classes were thorough in their
presentation and made interesting by the instructors who taught them.
One other observation that I wanted to make that really impressed me.
On the special day of thanksgiving that we had on November 15, the
ones doing the serving of the food, the pouring of the co�f'e, and
other such tasks were none other than the instructors who ha� been
teaching us. That typified the serving attitude that we saw for the
entire three weeks.
Thanks again to you and your staff for your attitude of service and
your loyal support of Mr. Herbert Armstrong.
Mike and Sandy Swagerty
Mr. Joe Tkach:
Greetings. We (Billie Sue and I) are very gra �f 11 for the three­
week Refreshing Program which Mr. Armstrong mat � possible. We thank
all those who contributed to its success. We a:e glad to see the
closeness that is developing with the ministry and know God is
pleased. Hopefully all of the ministry will be given this Refresher
as quickly as possible. Thank you for your work and part in making