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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 12, 1980
Page 9
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
With the commencement of the Refreshing Program for the ministry and
our experience of it, we felt that when all Church pastors and their
wives had passed through the three-week sessions, we would have the
unity and love in the Church and ministry that we've longed for.
This, because of the unity we could see among your personal assis­
tants at Pasadena: Mr. Tkach, Mr. Blackwell, Mr. Neff and the other
men responsible for delivering to us what you have always taught,
and the unity we saw develop in the group we were privileged to be
a part of.
However, we underestimated the power of God and ��at He ::�� been
doing through you. For, shortly after returning home we weie off
again to the Feast of Tabernacles. What happened there this year
was incredible! The love and fellowship was greater than we have
ever experienced before. God already had brought to pass in the
Church as a whole what we experienced on that third Refreshing Pro­
gram. God has dramatically blessed your every effort and the effort
of all in the ministry who have striven to carry out your instruc­
tions and leadership in putting His Church back on the right tack.
How wonderful it is to be a part of God's Church and how comforting
it is, Mr. Armstrong, to be secure in the strong leadership Jesus
Christ is providing for His people through you.
Lyall and Winnis Johnston
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
The classes of the Refreshing Program have been extremely helpful
and encouraging.
I have taken many pages of notes hoping I got all
the information given.
I especially enjoyed the experiences and
discussions concerning the meetings Mr. Tkach, Mr. McNair and Mr.
Blackwell and others have had with you, Mr. Armstrong. Our under­
standing of your office and the government of God in the Church are
Thank you Mr. Armstrong for your unswerving dedication and leadershi1
Bonnie and I are eager to serve in any way we can to help you preparE
the Church for our King's return.
Bonnie and Larry Greider
Mr. Armstrong:
There is no question whatsoever that Jesus Christ is inspiring these
classes. Those you have chosen to teach the classes ARE yielding
themselves to God. He is speaking through them giving them wisdom,
discernment, and balance in explaining the "faith once delivered."
Thank you very very much, Mr. Armstrong for your leadership. We
KNOW God is leading you. We would never have known how far we had
drifted had not God raised you up to show us.
Please never forget that we pray for you daily, and appreciate deeply
the love you show to us. We are now refreshed and ready to hold your
hands up more than ever!!!
Mel Dahlgren