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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 28, 1980
Psge 11
Everything is coming along �y well with the College. We had a very
enjoyable Thanksgiving Dance last Sunday evening. A number of the faculty
and guests commented that the entertainment portion of the dance was one
of the best ever. There were two or three songs written by the students.
The entertainment was very appropriate, the humor was in good taste--with.
no slapstick acts. Mr. Armstrong has never wanted us to have slapstick
humor at the College.
We now have 492 students in attendance at Ambassador. Recently, we have
had several meetings at which we carefully, prayerfully went over the
various applications for entrance into Ambassador for January 1981. Nor­
mally we do not prefer to admit students in January--if they intend to
enter the four-year program. It is far better that they enter the College
in the autumn, and thereby receive all of the introductory forums, lec­
tures, etc.--as well as the vital material qiven during the first semester.
We do, however, accept a number who apply for readmission into Ambassador,
and we also accept a few who have previous training at the college level.
Overall, I don't think we have ever had a better group of students. They
seem very "turned-on"--very supportive of Mr. Armstrong and of the college
policies in general.
Recently, I was informed that some had heard there was a college policy
which stated that baptized students could not date non-baptized students.
To my knowledge, never in the history of Ambassador College has such a
policy been in existence. The College does, however, uphold the Bible
teachings prohibiting unequally-yoked marriages.
Baptized students are permitted to date unbaptized students in a general
sort of way. But no baptized student should date an unbaptized student-­
pursuant to marriage! We encourage students to get their education before
they get married--not to get seriously involved in a romantic situation
before they are mentally, emotionally, financially and spiritually able
to take on that serious responsibility. Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong has
always wanted us to discourage students from developing premature ro­
mances. Marriage is serious business--not for children!
We (Mr. Greg Albrecht and I) plan to discuss with Mr. Armstrong a number
of college matters on the Friday following Thanksgiving. After that
meeting, I hope to include one or two matters relative to the College
in the Pastor General's Report.
I hope all of you will have (or will have had--by the time this PGR
reaches you) a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. My wife and I are both look­
ing forward to having some students at our home for Thanksgiving. Many
of the students have been invited to spend Thanksgiving Day with various
of the faculty and church members. I also hope to spend part of my
Thanksgiving Day with those students and with various Senior Citizens who
will observe Thanksgiving Day here at the Student Center.
Again, thanks to all of you ministers for your continued loyal support
of God's Apostle as he continues to set both the Church and the College