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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 28, 1980
Page 10
phase of the Work. I want to thank him for his loyalty, dedication,
and sacrifice in allowing Christ to use him and work through him.
His good work is appreciated.
Lavene L. Vorel (St. Petersburg, FL)
I thought it past time for me to send Mr. Rader a THANK YOU for his
many services to God's Church, and his continuing loyal support of
you, Mr. Armstrong. My prayers continue for this valuable and endur­
ing servant, and I want him to know that I'm behind him, as I am be­
hind you.
Miss Kathleen Talbert (Lakeland, FL)
I want to tell you [Mr. Armstrong] how impressed I am with Mr.
Stanley Rader. My husband and I had the opportunity to attend a
dinner with him and about forty other people when he was in Nash­
ville, Tennessee. He was so warm and friendly. He wanted to meet
each person there. We loved him and were greatly impressed by him.
He loves you greatly and is firm in his support of you as God's
Apostle. I realize God has given Mr. Rader tremendous responsibility
and I believe specifically prepared him for it. Mr. Armstrong, he
must not turn back from that responsibility. I know that his task
is not an easy one, but I believe the majority of the brethren
respect and love him.
Patsy Covington (Cottontown, TN)
We want you to know, Mr. Armstrong, that we were greatly inspired
by Mr. Rader on his recent visit.
We were really touched by his
loyalty for you as God's Apostle! It has moved us to feel even more
that same loyalty, and wish to take this opportunity to THANK you
and Mr. Rader for all of your time and service to us and to the
"greatest Work on the face of the earth." There is no doubt that
God is using both of you.
Mrs. Trellis E. Player (Lexington, SC)
Thanks to God that He gave you, Mr. Armstrong, a man like Mr. Rader.
A fantastic man. I always had it in mind that when God sets a man
over His Work, He also gives him someone to help. God put Mr. Rader
where he is.
Mrs. Hazel Chapman (Cincfnnati, OH)
I attended the Feast in Tucson where I had the pleasure of meeting
Mr. Rader. I was able to thank him in person for the great work
that he is doing for God's Church. It's wonderful to meet a man of
his ability and faith in the living God that the Church will prevail
no matter what the State of California tries to do.
Carl A. Lugin�ill (Minneapolis, MN)
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