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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 28, 1980
Page 6
The title is, "Thanks Be to God Who Gives Us the Victory." The
speaking subjects were: "How to Give Thanks" and "God Delivers-­
Past, Present and Future."
After services our fellowship was enhanced by homemade refreshments,
fresh cider and coffee. In the evening the Jubi
Club (formerly
known as "The 50-Plussers") held an evening potluck social. People
all seem to be especially happy and in fine attitudes eager to see
progress in the Work of God.
Jim Rosenthal, Harrisburg, PA
On Sunday, December 16th, Mr. Rader joined approximately 400 brethren
of the Toledo Church for a combined day of media interviews and cele­
bration of the Church's worldwide day of thanksgiving. With him were
his assistants Mr. Joseph Kotora and Mr. John Kineston. In addition
to a potluck banquet together, many members met and talked with Mr.
Rader and received �is autograph in their copies of his book. Mr.
Rader spoke to them of Mr. Armstrong's highly successful Middle
Eastern trip and the extraordinary recognition given Mr. Armstrong
by Prime Min�ster Begin and President Sadat. Mr. Rader also cau­
tioned the brethren· to.endure future attacks which most certainly
will come upon God's Church. While in Toledo, Mr. Rader was able to
represent God's Church and Mr. Armstrong on four radio and television
interviews. Even though the lawsuit was dropped, it is still drawing
public interest and provided a vehicle to tell media audiences of the
Church's Gre�t Conunission and Mr. Armstrong's role as an Ambassador
for world peace. The ministers and members in this area have learned
from and drawn closer to Mr. Rader through this visit. We were all
thankful he was able to join us on this important occasion.
George Kackos, Toledo, OH
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
BELLEVILLE, IL--HAROLD SMITH: We seem to be experiencing ever­
increasing marriage problems. The couples involved all admit they
don't understand why they can't seem to get along, but it seems Mr.
Armstrong's warning that Satan is making war on individuals is
certainly coming to pass;
SYRACUSE, NY--DAVE PACK: The attitude among 98% of the Church is as
it was in the 1960's. People are, again, eager to attend socials,
Bible studies, clubs, etc.
CHATTANOOGA, TN--WILLIAM C. COWAN, JR.: There is definitely a trend
of joy and thanksgiving and happiness in the area. Everything is
going extremely smooth and there is good growth and harmony in the
Chattanooga area.
DENVER, CO--RONALY KELLY: Everyone strongly behind Mr. Armstrong
and anxious to do even more to further the Work. Church seems tc
be even more strengthened through the summer months and growing