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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 28, 1980
Page 5
Warm regards and sincere thanks for your leadership and continued
dedication under Christ.
George and Luann Patrickson
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We profited greatly from the Ministerial Refreshing Program. It
was not only a good review, but more complete explanations of the
Church eras and other topics. It was spiritually fulfilling and
refreshing! The many hours of sitting were physically exhausting
but well worth it! Any ministers who haven't come in yet have a
special treat in store for them.
Allen and Doris Bullock
Dear Mr. Tkatch:
The best way my wife and I can express our feeling for the Refresh­
ing Program is likening it to the feeling one has after just
finishing a huge Thanksgiving dinner. We partook of so much food,
that we are stuffed and need sometime to digest it all. Thank you
and all the staff for a "terrific meal."
Pieter and Joy Michielsen
Observance of Special Day of Thanksgiving
The day of thanksgiving to our God for lifting the hand of oppression
brought by the State of California upon His Church was one that will
long be remembered by the members of the Philadelphia, PA Church.
Not only did we have the opportunity to experience gratitude as we
imbibed God's words of encouragement in times of distress, as ex­
pounded by Messrs. Don Traynor, LE, and Carlos Perkins, Pastor, but
also the physical food so abundantly provided by the brethren, en­
hanced by candlelight, and
llowship such as we have not experienced
for quite some time. Indeed, the good news was as "cold water to a
weary soul" as we enjoyed dwelling together in unity with each other
and our God.
Carlos E. Perkins, Philadelphia, PA
After a sermonette on happiness given by Mr. Werner Krebs, Local
Church Elder, and a sermon on "Thanksgiving" by Mr. Jim Lichtenstein,
the entire congregation stayed for a potluck luncheon following the
morning service.
It was like "the good old days" with a wide variety of foods, each
cook bringing her (his) best to share with others. The Y.O.U. helped
by serving and with the clean up. There was more food to eat than
enjoyed! The one comment most repeated afterwards was "We
should do this more often." And indeed, we should!
Sabbath day
was a special day of joy and thanksgiving to God and was thoroughly
enjoyed by the Cincinnati South congregation.
Jim Lichtenstein, Cincinnati South, OH
Highlighting the service on the spec 1 Sabbath of the Thanksgiving
were extra congregational hymns on the subject of thanks and chorale
music especially oomposed for the occasion by the music director.