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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 21, 1980
Page 9
MONROE, LA., BRISCOE ELLETT II: Not many letters are coming in on
PMs but people are still just coming to the Church. Some attend
with friends and many are becoming very interested. Everyone
comments on how good it is to hear Mr. Armstrong on the Bible
study tapes. Donna and I certainly did enjoy seeing and being
with the other ministers and their wives in Charlotte when Mr.
Rader was there. Can hardly wait to get him over to this area.
How wonderful it is to have peace in the Church and the spirit
of unity and direction once again.
must say this Feast ,_.,ras truly
great!! Mr. Armstrong was as powerful or even more so than I have
ever seen or heard him before!! Thank you Mr. Armstrong for every­
thing you did to make this Feast a Feast of "give." All of the
sermons I heard were right down the line about the Feast of Taber­
nacles and the World Tomorrow.
CHICO, CA., MARC SEGALL: So many conunents heard by brethren on
the tremendous improvement of the sermons at the Feast and their
spiritual value over years past. Microwave sermons very inspiring
and appreciated. The young Ambassadors film was outstanding.
Thanks to Mr. Armstrong's "plug" concerning the film, we had a
very good attendance to view it. The fruits of God's Spirit were
so ·very apparent at God's Feast sites. As Mark Twain said about
his Father,
will say about Mr. Armstrong: "The older I get, the
smarter he gets." That's because we are realizing each day more and
more how truly inspired and "right" Mr. Armstrong really is.
CHICLAGO, IL., N.W., Roy Holladay: Have heard nothing but positive
comments about the F.O.T. A renewed spirit of dedication and unity.
Mr. Armstrong speaking to the Church really has helped to unite all
of us.
increasing along with more severe personal and financial problems.
Everyone seemed to look to the Feast more than usual this year
for encouragment and the needs were certainly met. The sermons
were all outstanding, the attitude of the congregation was out­
standing, and Mr. Armstrong coming through live on the first and
last day with powerful and encouraging messages made this the most
meaningful Feast in years. We are very enthusiastic about the
positive changes in Y.E.S. and Y.O.U. Our thanks to Mr. Armstrong
and his aides for the wise and positive leadership. My wife and I
are looking forward to attending the Refreshing Program.
OTTUMWA-DES MOINES, IA., JAMES E. REYER: church is really growing
and all are supportive of Mr. Armstrong. Brethren were very en­
couraged by Mr. Rader's visit. I feel it was a very profitable
visit because the brethren were very impressed by his warmth and
openness. Many commented to me how happy they were to get to meet
and talk with both he and his wife.
BILLINGS, MT., GENE WATKINS: Generally speaking, I see people
becoming more open with their problems and desiring more to counsel
and solve them. It seems that most, though not all, are really