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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 21, 1980
Page 8
Local Church Excited About PT Brochure
Dear Mr. Tkach:
I am writing to let you know how excited and enthused we are
concerning the November 9 Plain Truth brochure that will appear in
the "Huntsville Times" here in Alabama.
It is very ENCOURAGING to me and also the brethren. Being in a
comparatively small area, we don't have much media coverage; so
this is quite a boost for our morale.
We want you to know we don't take it for granted and we do
appreciate approval to do this in the northern Alabama area.
Lawson J. Tuck
Comments From Weekly Church Reports
government being re-established in God's Church by God through
Mr. Armstrong, we're experiencing peace just as Isaiah 9:7 says the
world will experience in tomorrow's world. The people are striving
to practice and speak the same thing that Christ is inspiring Mr.
Armstrong to instruct us in. There is more unity and singleness of
mind now.
The people are happy that Mr. Armstrong is taking a strong hand in
running the Church again. They have a special affection and respect
for him--they know, by his fruit, that Christ is using him to lead
the Church.
MIDLAND, MI., GERALD WESTON: Bible study attendance has been very
good. P.T. Newsstand Program is really taking off--we can hardly
keep the stands filled. This area has never seen such enthusiasm
for the P.T. on the newsstands.
BLACKFOOT, ID., RANDY SCHREIBER: People very much appreciated the
visit from the H.Q. team. Everyone was impressed with the unity
evidenced and the fact that Mr. Armstrong and those sent care
enough to put forth the time and expense to visit the "little
HONOLULU, HI., DAVID A. FRASER: Attitudes generally very good--two
new PM's started attending this month. Also two baptisms this month.
study tapes from Mr. Armstrong.
for our day and look forward to
word on same.
The members are enjoying the Bible
Many are ex�ted about prophecy
hearing Mr. Armstrong expound God's
PORTLAND (EAST) OR., JIM HAEFFELE: We're very pleased with Mr.
Armstrong's continuing Bible study tapes. He has so many helpful
points about life, and the Church. I hope they will continue because
they are very helpful to the Church.