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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1980
Page 24
We must remain vigilant and prepared. We must not be lulled into a false
sense of security. We must recognize there will be sacrifice or hardship
for us to endure in the future.
Let us remember that our enem s do not suffer gladly that the Government
of God is controlling His Church. Our enemies hate His Church and hate
the idea that Christ's Apostle can control the expenditure of God's money.
Therefore, we must continue to promulgate the truth about the Work of the
Living God. We must continue to promulgate the truth about the Great
Commission and the means by which the Great Commission is being fulfilled.
We must continue to promulgate the truth about God's Goverrunent and about
the members of the Worldwide Church of God.
We can anticipate at least two years maximum ef
t to rid most of the
public's mind of the poison put there by our enemies during the past two
Yet there is reason to be thankful as we had stated recently on two
occasions. We are thankful that the Living God gave Governor Jerry Brown
the wisdom and strength to sign the Petris Bill into law despite vigorous
efforts from our enemies.
We are also thankful to the Living God that He gave the Attorney General
the wisdom and the strength to dismiss the suit, as he said on a number
of occasions that he would if the Petris Bill were passed and enacted into
We are all looking forward to those days when Satan can no longer threaten
the Work of the Living God, but the days mentioned in Revelation 20 are
not yet here. The dragon, that old serpent which is the Devil and Satan,
has not yet been bound and cast into a bottomless pit and shut up so that
he could no longer deceive the nations until the thousand years should be
--Stanley R. Rader
Now that the annual Feast of Tabernacles is past, a special note of thanks
due to all who took the time to complete the Festival reports and/or
mail us photographs of their site. The response to our request was over­
whelming, as thousands of photos inundated our offices within two weeks of
the Festival.
a result, we
atured more of God's sites around the
world than in any previous Festival issue. Our thanks to you!
Also, as God's Church celebrates a Sabbath of thanksgiving November 15th,
we would like to highlight your congregation's activities. We would appre­
ciate it if you could drop us a short summary of any activities on the
15th, as well as a few photos .
(If you want the photos returned, please
erclose a self-addressed and stamped envelope.) Please forward this mate­
rial by November 21st.