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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1980
Page 21
Victory, sweet victory! I am giving thanks to God for the most
recent events in the court problem, and many thanks to all who were
so personally involved in the battle. I am so proud of the people
out there in Pasadena and the lawyers, not to mention Mr. Rader and
Mr. Armstrong.
Mrs. Catherine Cianelli (Houston, MS)
I am so happy about the lawsuit being dropped. However, I wonder
what Satan has in store for us next. I am sure God will handle it
as He did this.
I just hope we all remain faithful, no matter what.
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for being faithful to God and us.
Mrs. Crystal Slaybaugh (Stewartsville, MO)
We are elated over the good news that God's servants and Church have
had all charges against them dropped. We know that you (Mr. Arm­
strong) are elated too. However, my heart goes out to those former
brethren who left us because of the false accusations against God's
Apostle and his adviser. We still love and pray for them.
David J. Bell, Jr., (Boynton Beach, FL)
Hooray! The Church has won! Thank you, Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Rader
so very much for seeing clearly the need to press forward with the
legal battle--as Christian soldiers--and with the sure faith that
Christ and God the Father would help the "Church with little strength"
to gain victory. However, we must not let our guard down now--a
second, sneak attack could be far worse than the first! But as
always, the Eternal will be our strength, our fortress...our God!
Becky Hartman (Indianapolis, IN)
Youth and Parents Thrilled About New Magazine
I am writing to tell you (Mr. Armstrong) how happy I am that you
have been able to turn your attention toward the youth in God's
Church. I know you are extremely busy, but I also know God has
shown you the need to guide His youth in the right direction.
Miss Christina Ullerick (Auburn, WA)
Our pastor announced the new magazine YOUTH '81 to us this Sabbath.
We are excited and pleased to hear about it. We have two teenagers
now who can receive their own copies and five other children who will
benefit from it as they grow older. There does seem to be among the
young people an awakening interest in the Church, God's Way and the
World Tomorrow. We really appreciate all the help you can give in
helping us to rear our children God's way--this magazine will be of
great value!
Clarence & Linda Webb (Statesville, NC)
�hank you for making available YOUTH '81. Although my son is not 13
yet, he reads really well and I am sure will benefit from the maga-
Edward Frazen (Minneapolis, MN)