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and the doctrines of the Church. Their desire is to give us the
instruction you would give if you could be here, directly teaching
and guiding us!
They did a superb job!!
My wife Patty and I are grateful, and again thank you!!
Arnold and Patty Clauson
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
How much better the Feast is now for all of God's Church! God has
allowed us to see and hear from you not just once, but three times!
Thank you for your leadership, work and effort to make the Feast so
encouraging and uplifting! So meaningful!
The debt my wife and I owe to God through you is beyond words and
price! We know God's way works and brings reward, peace and
happiness. Through you God gave to us the opportunity to attend
Ambassador College, meet one another, complete college and be a
part of His Work. The knowledge God has given us through you in
areas of conversion, truth, the Work, marriage, family and the
Church is priceless! We appreciate the opportunity God has given
us to serve God's people as you have led and instructed and taught
us in doing. Your example--past and present--continues to be a
force and guide in our lives in following you as you follow Christ
(I Cor. 11:1).
We are living examples to God's credit and to your credit as God's
modern, end-time servant and Apostle that what you teach, how you
teach and why you teach it is bearing frui�Under God you really
are a Father to us spiritually, and due to our young ages (32 and
35), I guess a Grandfather physically! And we like being your
"children in the Lord." We pray for you--your strength, health and
vitality; we also pray for Mrs. Armstrong.
We feel and believe that God intends for you to be the key in the
future of world events. As God works with and moves you to
accomplish His work, so will events move forward in the world.
And it excites us to think that we will b� led (God willing) into
the Kingdom of God through you as His end-time Apostle.
God has certainly granted you the support and loyalty from men
whom you trust--Mr. Rader, Mr. Tkach, Mr. Blackwell, Mr. McNair,
to name a few. This we not only saw, but literally felt while we
were privileged to be in Pasadena in the third group of men and
wives for the Refreshing Program. Also our contact with these men
as they attended the Feast in our area.
Mr. Armstrong, my wife and I and our 8 1/2 year old daughter need
your constant leadership in all areas of this way of life. We need
all the writing you do, all the speaking you can do and all the
knowledge and wisdom God is giving through you in these crucial
My hope as a minister is to loyaJly teach God's people as
God leads you in all areas of life--the Gospel, God's Work and Word,
marriage, family, angels and the human potential.