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Church service attendance increased in September by 17% compared to the
same month one year ago.
Membership incresaed 9%. Eight people were
baptized in the month of September.
If we look back over the past year we can truly say that God has blessed
His Work in The Netherlands through the leadership of His Apostle, Mr.
Herbert W. Armstrong.
Appreciation _for the Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
In past issues of the Pastor General's Report I had read many
enthusiastic comments concerning the Ministerial Refreshing
I did wonder, "Can it be that good?'' Now, in this
final week of experiencing the program myself, I can answer the
question. The answer is most definitely, yes--and much more so!
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, that you have made all of this possible.
Thank you for the converted instructors who have certainly been
doing an excellent job. Thank you for again showing us the basics.
It has been enjoyable to renew old friendships and make new ones.
The whole atmosphere in the classes, on the campus and in the
various deparments of the Work seems to vibrate with an energy
from God--the power to accomplish whatever God wants done.
I know that I am eager to return to St. Louis and diligently
fulfill my responsibilities.
Our prayers will continue for you that God will continue to bless
you with good health, understanding, and the power to carry out
God's will.
Again, Mr. Armstrong, thank you for all you have made possible
and your example of dedication and serving our Father and the
Lord Jesus Christ.
Robert Spence
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you so very much for the exciting opportunity to be back in
Pasadena for a tremendous three-week Refreshing Program!
As an added treat, while we were here, the stranglehold of the
Attorney General was terminated! This meant a lot to us, because
we were in Pasadena on Sabbatical when the initial blow was struck.
The whole atmosphere of bustle and enthusiasm at Pasadena came out
in the Refreshing Program� How refreshing it was to hear the Plain
Truth expounded powerfully and with conviction, by Messrs. Tkach,
Blackwell, LaRavia, Hoeh, Neff, McNair, and the many others who
filled the more than 100 hours of instruction! We appreciate their
dedication,drive, and most important, their loyal support of you,