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heightened by incidents of setting fire to city buses, wide scale
thievery, constantly exploding bombs and by guerrilla ambushes.
Much of this is carried out by groups which have lost popular
support and are consequently taking revenge on the general popu­
lace. They set fire to crop lands and ranches in rural areas,
murdering farmers and coercing them at gunpoint to participate in
the strikes and other demonstrations that the guerrillas declare.
In spite of all the above mentioned difficulties, we continue lift­
ing up our prayers and asking the Eternal to protect and care for
Also, we pray for the rulers of this country so that we may
be able to lead "a quiet and peaceable life."
News From London The festival at Brighton this year was most succ��s�ul.
For the first time in many years, the entire U.K. and Eire membership
were able to meet together at one site to celebrate the Feast of Taber­
nacles. This was made even more exciting by the good reception of the
microwave transmission from Tucson on the evening of the first day. All
4140 people attending the Brighton Convention Center benefited greatly
from such an inspirational start to the Feast. God granted us really
exceptional weather for the time of year--a fact which did not go un­
noticed by the local paper, which covered it in an article entitled, "You
know what they say about the sun shining on the righteous...."
Lecture Series in U.K.: A number of Plain Truth lectures are to be held
in the coming months throughout the British Isles. These will be of two
basic types:
1) "Coping with Life," and 2) "The Incredible Human
Potential." Sites booked so far include Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow,
Cardiff, Cheltenham and Plymouth.
Advertisement in Newsweek: Response to the ad placed in Newsweek on the
15th of September has been coming in steadily since that date. Though
the position obtained did
as good as
recent Time
magazine ad, nevertheless the response has been most satisfactory with
1600 replies to date--and many more coming in on a daily basis. As in
the case of the direct mail programme, a fair humber of these responses
are requesting copies of The PLAIN TRUTH in langauges other than English.
A similar advertisement--where The PLAIN TRUTH is presented as an inter­
national publication with editions in five languages--has now been booked
in the Atlantic edition of Time magazine for the 24th November.
New Ads to Be Used in Second Half of Year: A new ad which was developed
and tested just before the Feast is to be used generally throughout the
U.K. for the second half of the year. With the title, "Will World War III
Destroy Humanity?," the ad presents The PLAIN TRUTH as a magazine which
answers this and similar questions which are vital to all.
With the Middle East in constant turmoil, and in the light of the Gulf
war, we feel this new slant in our adversiting campaign should prove quite
Direct Mail: Response is now beginning to pour in from the 40,000 pieces
of Direct Mail recently sent to English-speaking people in Scandinavia,
the European continent and Middle East. This mailing was broken into