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PASTOR GENERAL' S REPORT , October 3 1 , 1 9 8 0
The Attorney General
is a man of his word.
N SEPT. 30, 1980, Sen­
ate Bi l l No. 1 493 was
signed into law by Gov.
,Jerry Brown. It provides
t hat the attorney general
of the state of California shall
haw no powers with respect
to religious corporations (ex­
cept for a few spec ific areas
clearly defined I to supervise
or monitor church atfairs in
the state of California.
\\.: e u f t he World\l.
ide Church of (;i>d
�upp<1tted �enate HiH 1 -49:\, \Ve- wrre-­
;:ind are -tirmlv convinced that it pro
\'-ides a prntec-tinn 'nadly nefodetl hy (' a\i -
forn i a 's rel iglous oq1;anria.t ions and
churches. The first ,-\mendment to the
Con:-.t i tut inn of the l '. ni tf'd State� i .;
plalnl:,. applicahli to the ,,;tates hy rea
son uf the, Fourteenth Amendment to
the Con:-:t i tut ion, but for near/v twn
years { 1Ur Church has been enj?aged i n a
legal defern<e {)f that important riiht rin
behalf d o.ur'5.t"lves and others
c,., . 1.)f;il't D-e�kme-j�<M), aHnrne:,; genera{
of the state of California, our adversan·
in the lawsuits we have been fight ing,
0ppo�€-d Senate Bi l l l .tg.1. In hls npp<w,j .
tion, he i.t.':1.te-d. he wou)d have t o dismiss
tfw \awsu\ ts a�ainst us if the new act
became law.
Senate BiH \ .\9',\ did berome law.
At tornev Genera� (�t-or�-e Oeukme)\an
has dmPped the chat'f(e;<, again.'it us as he
�: mirnl$.ed. He ls a man of his word. \.Ve
admi re him for that
In a sen-"e, though we bt>lieve he had
no legal or moral grounds for harassing
us or interfering with the Work or the
living God, we always have admired the
cons/.,tPno· roncPrmng thf' democrati( 1n ·thl' c·ruted .r..:rates.
i\fr. Deukmejian has not been attor­
ney general for very long. His principal
background was as a member of the
l egJ.i.,Jature. There, he alwa . vs expressed
the �trongest feeling that democracy
worb best when it reflects the voice of
thE> legislature. the will of the people,
and our form of j?;Overnment sometimes
s t ravs from the path nf democracy when
th� Courts. bec:ome involved.
Hls support o( the ··us.e a gun, go to
prison" legislaclon was a prime demon .
stration of that conl.'iction.
Vr'hen Mr. Deukmejian became attar.
ney g�n-eral. he inherited the lawsuits
against us. We- were be-ing accused v.i\d­
\y of bll manneT of things. Anonymous
detract ors �aid we -xere tu\t1st. \l;hate--..·e r
that means. l t was . ..a . id that our leader�
were 5iphonint otf mi l l ions of dol lars of
( 'hurch nwner A. .
ecret hoard of gold
hu\\ii)\l was aHeied\y hei.C\� "tockpi.\.ed i.n
.;ome hidden cache. Chu rch propertie�
were hPing sold fnr the pri\'ate enrich,
rnent of a ft>w i ndividuals- Our bonk�
and records were hein,? s\'sternar lcally
sh.redded and de�tro\'ed
A.H \hbe char�e, ,., ere fa\:,;,e , :,,.imply
nnns,ense. and we immediat€-h rt)n
\ inced jud�es t ha t the\' were a bst;rd and
Hn�· e\er , \tr l)euknwjian felt he had
an at Jthori tv to conlinue wi t h thP law
su i r :-. hrm1�ht against uf.. under t he
a dm i n is1 rnt i c 1 n of hi s predere!- . "i O r .
E'l.·elle Younger, and :-.t rongly urg:ed
upon him h\ his b\lreauuacy. He had
tno much foi th in hi:-. dep1Hies, ,1nd he
e\ · ide-ndv bel ieved t ha t C.ihfornla la"' .
as it wai'. wr i 1 1 en before passage o f
Stinate Hi l l l.t9,l made churches some
rhing cal led "charitable t rusts" owned
· the state and made churrhes answer
able ro the nttice ,,f the al tnrney gem•ral
His df'putit"s (· f>ntended t hat the law
m:od� \-:_ th-e t\iht 13.nd du.ty ,;if the
att0111ey �f'nerars ottice t o oversee the
spending nf church funds and l o monJ,
tor al l of thei r acti,. . ities
Bc1ca11se lhe .attorne).: general followed
the lr�al ad\'ire of his depulies, he tonk
it upon himself to confiscate om rec­
ords.. to i nvesti�ate our Work, to search
t hrough our most private papers be­
cau!'-f;.> he helleved ralifornia law made
him respon5ihle for our actions.
We di);agref'd and we resisted wi th al l
the force and vigor at our command. We
would have cont imied to resist for a.s
long as necessary,
\1r. Deukmejian opposed Senate Bill
1 49:, when it was introdu('ed into the
legislature by Sen. �icho\as Petris. He
said he befirved it was necessary t o
allow ! he attorney gen�ral authority t o
invest igate churches. H e sa.\d that
churches--partinilarl_v those organized
along hierarchical lines, as is ours and
the Roman Catholic church-would he
able to hide too mu('h. He said it would
be too easv for wrongdoing to occur if
the go•,ernffient was forbidden to Jonk at
the pr i \a 1 p p�pn5 and ti
1e:<. , 1 f : ' .ul'h
He admi t ted i f the hill ,, passprl. he
wot.l id nn longer ha\e an ."' legal right tn
im'bt i�ate u! ' . He con('ede<l that . Jt1st as
he �a-:-, (ry\
)?,: h, enfofc(l th(> f,f£-•, \\\W;,., ,.,.....
as he saw i r , now he 1,l,·ould have to ah,de
h\' the new law. whethn qr not hP
thought i t represf'nted ,..,.i�e lf'gi-.la1ion .
,\fr Dt>ukmejian is a man ofh1's- word
He ha':s dH>p�d the ,1..1,\ts a��frn.:..t \1'$.. We
are happv ahou.t t hJ.t Since \ t at.....a-..·l'­
was our Cl)(l fenr ion not onl:-i, that "''e
«.'ere innncer1l of wrnnwtnin�. which we
were. h\lt that 1 he a( t \)rt1e\: ��rH•rnl had
nn ri
hl lo harass u� ·in the ht!'iol p\ace-.
we fre/ 'I. indicated In t he pure�t sen�e
We pn,ved ourselves innocent earl in
�fow we ha,.-e heen prn... . ed right
Howe,.·er, 14-hile we op po!-ed t h f'
atl t1rnl"\' gene-ra\ with \'i
Df. w e <lo share
some of his ftelings ahout the political
prore. li!i.<t
Wf' agree wi th him about t he irnp,1r
tance the le�i.slature. We airee wi th
him thal the princip\es of the l'.nited
:-itates are best protected w i t h t he vn1ce
of t he legislature. And we &l(ree wi th
him that the law. as enacted, .-.hould he
o\wved. W� alwav5. have (ihev�d th� law
w� admire Mr Deukmejian for tinaJly
dnln):: the �arne thin:i?
I , personal ly, would l i ke t o -;ay one
hnal t hing, While I have disagreed v1g­
nrou�ly with \1 r . Deukmejian·s position
a�a\nst the Church, l do share his feel
ing that there is a verv impotiant ques­
tion at issue here, W.-'hat ,.�· the proper
rdat1on.,,;h1p betu er>n #rWernmenl and
'that is a hard que.'ition.
am as aware
as \.1r . Deukmejian is that scoundrels
sometimes hide behind the veil of
gion. They alwBys h£we. The rjgh t to
wM�hip frf'ely mu!l,t be prot�cted an',1-
wa.y l am equally aware that h()rrors
occur as in Guvana_ But. there be
/allfu l ways fo protect the inno(',e,nt
from those who wou\d prey upon them.
) intend t o cont inue to work in this
t ieId. I would like to involve �fr Deuk ·
me-jtan and nther government \eaders
who are interested ln pur-suing thi� mon,
umental question.
would hope that
other church leaders and civil libertttr·
ians will join us in searching for answers
Wh9t do ymJ say, Mr. Deukmejian
were powerful adversaries. Perhaps we
cat\ be even 'itr:o��r: associates .
STAr,,ll['t' R. RADER
Worldwide Church of God
P age 4