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I learn something new every day as I read your literature and
study God's Holy Word. Thank you ever so much for the knowledge
that I gained through your help.
Mrs. Hubert Driscal (Kirbyville, T�)
Thank you for sharing your magazine with me.
I love it. I usc<l to
go to a Catholic High school (I am graduated now) and the articles
always gave my Theology grades a boost! I don't understand how you
do it all free--but thanks! The reason for wanting all the books
and articles is that they will help me throughout life.
Teresa Tvaroch (Warren, OH)
Broadcast Inspires, Comforts and Answers Questions
I can never thank you enough for your broadcasts. They are the
highlight of my every day--so much so that I find myself looking
forward to them almost from the moment of awakening in the morning.
It seems as if every night I learn something new and the answers
to some questions I've had.
Betty Rakasz (Springfield, MO)
Since listening to and seeing your broadcasts on radio and tele­
vision, I have really gained knowledge of the truth. I am 23
years old and left my church at the age of 12. I was like a lost
sheep because my questions about God were never answered. After
the first World Tomorrow broadcast I heard, I was truly touched.
I could not believe all that knowledge of God I was missing.
Ted Lenoski (Pittsburgh, PA)
I heard your broadcast on CKO Vancouver and was very alarmed by
what I heard. I would appreciate copies of all your available
pamphlets. I would also appreciate it if you could send me a
copy of the Bible as I do not have one and cannot afford to buy
one. Thanking you in advance.
Mrs. Pamela B. (Surrey, B.C., CANADA)
I am presently incarcerated here at Dallas State Correctional
Institution. I was transferred here from Graterford Prison in
Philadelphia. When I was at Graterford I remember hearing your
TV show and your radio broadcast. This was about two years ago.
The other morning I woke up about 5 o'clock. Since I couldn't
sleep, I decided to put the radio on. And there, at 5 o'clock
in the morning I heard your friendly voice over the air! Oh
how happy I was to hear from you! It felt like I was finding a
true lost friend.
Gerald Clark (Dallas, PA)
For sometime now I have been listening to your broadcast on
Radio Jamaica with one of today's prophets, Herbert W. Armstrong.
I am convinced that I have heard the right teachings of Christ.
I would like to know if there is a branch chapter or church of
your "Christian faith" in Jamaica because I would like to become
ready and prepared to meet the second coming of my saviour Jesus