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HARRISBURG, PA., JIM ROSENTHAL: The brethren came back from the
Feast really charged up. All reports indicate to me a peaceful,
invigorating time at all sites. Just seeing Mr. Herbert Armstrong
restored (and ''streamlined") and vibrant was inspirational. Surely
God has answered our prayers for his health and strength, and all
of us can start a new year on a high note.
Weekly Letter Comments
The Work's literature continues to have impact, as indicated by the first
group of letters. It is educating readers in the true values and helping
them to find real meaning in their lives. Next, radio listeners are rec­
ognizing God's truth in Mr. Armstrong's broadcasts. Their letters relate
that the messages inspire them, answer their questions and provoke them
to thought and action. In the final selection of letters members share
their delight, thrill and gratitude for their calling and for having a
part in God's great Work on earth.
L�terature Has Impact
I would like to take this opportunity to say how much I enjoy
your magazine and the various literature published by your church.
It does give me a better understanding of the scriptures and world
events in relation to Bible prophecy. And I must add that I agree
with you 100% when you state that the second coming of Christ will
be very soon, and I pray I will be worthy of entering God's glo­
rious Kingdom.
Mrs. L. Conley (Charleston, W.V.)
I had always been a bit of a sceptic as far as religion is
concerned, and indeed for the last four years I had given up
going to church after leaving college. It was only a few days
ago, however, that I stumbled upon a copy of your magazine dated
November 1976. After reading it from cover to cover I feel that
it has transformed my whole life. Everything about Christianity
and the human race in general suddenly seemed to dawn on me for
the first time in my life as having a definite meaning (to say
the least) and above all, Christ's mission for mankind here on
PR (Dublin, Ireland)
First of all, let me say, I love The PLAIN TRUTH!!
For once I
can say I'm totally satisfied with a magazine. I am not a sub­
scriber right now, but my husband has sent in a subscription and
we're truly delighted. I was shopping one day when I came across
your magazine at the Information Centre in the store. I picked
it up and soon l�arned it was free. I couldn't believe it. I
took it home and found it very hard to put down. My husband and
I took turns reading your articles. I feel it was fate that I
picked up your magazine and I'm very happy I did. Keep up the
good work and we hope we get our subscription soon.
Robina L. (Toronto, Ont., Canada)