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Pastor Comments About the Feast
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
This is just a short note to let you know how much we appreciated
hearing you on the TV microwave screen in Spokane. Also, it was
really wonderful to hear the great new truth that God revealed
through you about the Last Great Day. I have never heard or under­
stood how the Great White Throne Judgment will apply to people in
this present world until you explained it during the Feast.
really added a lot of meaning to the day.
Jeff McGowan
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Terri and I want you to know how enjoyable and inspiring the Feast
was tor our family.
As you have probably heard many times, there
was something almost tangibly different about the atmosphere and
spirit this year. Thank you for your relentless work toward that
Thank you also for the opportunity to contribute to the Feast.
Terri and I Always enjoy the songleading and musical side of things.
And the privilege of speaking is a heavy responsibility and a remark­
able experience. Terri and I certainly look forward to serving in
whatever way you choose at the Feast of 1981.
Thank you again for your ongoing labor of love. We, as your children
in the Gospel, love you and are behind you in every way.
Judd and Terri Kirk
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thank you very much for the excellent Ministerial Refreshing Program
that I just returned from. I was greatly reinspired about the calling
and challenge of the ministry of Christ in the age we live.
The program was far more useful than any conference that I've
attended because we had more time to absorb the knowledge presented
and visit with those of the administration. Also, I enjoyed getting
to know some of my fellow ministers better.
Once again, Mr. Armstrong, thank you for all that you have helped us
with. My prayers are with you every day.
Victor Kubik
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Greetings from Australia. I've included a letter from my wife,
Christine, and me for forwarding to Mr. Armstrong.