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PA3TOR GENERAL'S REPORT, October 17, 1980
Page 4
One form of promotion which is assisting this upward climb is the direct
mail program. Forty thousand packages have already been mailed to various
English speaking lists, with 60,000 planned after the Feast.
East and West Africa Some of the Time magazines of the June 23rd issue
which carried our ad also went to Africa. Though the file for this area
tends to increase naturally by word of mouth, the advertisement was very
worthwhile, as it put influential English-speaking people in the area on·
the file--undoubtedly many of them have commanding positions of authority
Ln the various governments.
Over 42,000 letters have been received since January from East and West
\:rica, causing the file to grow by 38% to its present figure of 20,500
�ew Zealand All four of New Zealand's Feast sites reported an excellent
and inspiring Feast of Tabernacles. The registration figures were:
+ 8.6%
+11. 6%
Once again, God's people showed their hearts are in His Work by giving
some magnificent holy day offerings during the Feast. Right through the
year, the brethren have given very generously to God on His holy days as
shown by a +44% increase for 1980 in all holy day offerings.
The office there reports that "Although the Feast included much rejoicing,
there was a time for sadness as we farewelled Mr. Bob Morton, our Regional
Director for the past five years. Mr. Morton has served God's people here
very loyally and diligently, and while we are sad to see him go, we wish
him and his wife, Sandy, well on their new assignment in Australia."
La8t-minute arrangements for a big advertising thrust in October are now
being made. The PLAIN TRUTH magazine will be promoted by means of half
a million householder cards; 115,000 full-color newspaper inserts; and
simultaneous ads in various national magazines.
Evangelist Grateful for Prayers
Dear Brethren:
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my fellow ministers
and brethren in Christ worldwide who prayed to our great God for
the healing of injuries I sustained in an auto accident last July.
My arm is completely healed and I am very thankful to be able to
serve God and His people once again. What a blessing it is to be
in God's Work!
With Sincere love and gratitude,
Harold L. Jackson