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Let me read you the twelfth chapter of Revelation_beginning _wi't'h-'.�/;
seven. We're down to this time when
there was /or isl war· ln he·ave
Michael and his angels fighting against the d;:agon; and the dragon
fighting with his angels, and prevaile� not Lthat is, the dragon pre-·
· .
vailed no!7; neither was there place /for the devil and his angel!J
found any more in heav�n. And the great dragon was cast out, that old ., ,
serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world."-:::r:
And I say he's deceiving over half of you people that are sitting in
front of me right now. I don't mean the person· next to you, I mean you!
God has brought me back because someone has got to put a little life
� , (
into this church. That's why I'm back here. That's why I didn't stay
"dead. " I was totally unconscious. "The dead know not anything."
I was "dead," temporarily, and I didn't know anything -- just as the
Bible says. I'm alive today for a reason and I want to tell you that
back in those first days in August and September, I couldn't do any
work. I couldn't do any·thing but just try to take it easy and recuperate.
felt it would be so much nicer if .I could just sink back into that
state because I didn't know anything was happening. I thought how much
nicer it would be for me.
had worked hard all these years. For fifty years, I have had to
strive and the devil has been after me as after nobody else. He would
rather destroy me than anybody on this earth. You better believe
that. Some of you don't.
He's wanted to destroy my son Garner Ted Armstrong. And he wants to
destroy all of you. Now that's where the real fault is and that is the 0 •
place where all the blame has to go.
Well anyway, it says here that this was the Devil and he didn't prevail,
"the great dragon, that old serpent called the Devil and Satan which
deceiveth the whole world, he was cast out into the earth and his angels,
who now became demons, were cast down with him. And I heard a loud
voice saying now is come /or now "is coming," because it hasn't come
yet/ salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God..." It is
coming very soon and the strength of our God and the power of his
Christ. "For the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused
them before our God 1ay and night."
People in the spirit of Satan are accusing now. People are accusing
Mr. Stanley Rader and let me tell you right here, I don't know how
much of that leaven has got into some of you, but that is character
assassination! You may feel that Stanley Rader is a wrong kind of man
but he is my top assistant and that's why they try to assassinate his
character! Satan has been trying to get to me and if he can't destroy
me, then he'll try to destroy those who are working closely with me.
You tell me -- I
challenge you -- show me evidence, one iota of proof
of anything wrong about Stan Rader! And yet I understand there are
ministers in this church who would walk right out and leave the church
if I try to uphold Stan Rader. Has this church come to that?!
I want to tell you -- I'm heartsick today. I'm just grieved, clear toO .
the bottom of my heart. Because you brethren have gone to sleep, and
not just you. When I say "you," brethren, I mean all the church. It's
time we wake up!