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Well, the bad news is that we've been going that way and we're going
into the Laodicean condition of sleeping and slumbering like you read
in the 25th chapter of Matthew. And while the bridegroom (Christ)
tarried before He came, they all slumbered and slept. And that's the
condition we're presently getting into. We're getting� close now
to the second coming of Christ, but because it didn't happen in 1972,
some people think, "Oh well, it's not going to happen now." And so
Jesus Himself said at such an hour as you think not, HE'LL COME. The
door will be shut and it will be too late and tnat's what's going to
happen to a lot of you. I'm trying to wake you up today and if I
can't wake you up, you can get angry and walk out right now. I invite
you to if that's the way you feel, because I don't want people here that
don't have the Spirit of God, all the while pretending that they do.
Now visitors are welcome, but I don't want people here pretending to
profess membership that don't have anything but the spirit of Satan
in them.
But the spirit of Satan began to grip us. Everyone, it seems, had
started to do his own thing. There was a powe� struggle to get into
the top. Some began to think "Mr. Armstrong was getting old. He's
going to die." Everyone wanted to be the one that could take over and
be the head of the church and their wives wanted to be the First Lady
of the church. And don't you think that kind of thinking was not
And so, some of us were of one leader and some of another. And no one
seemed to know who really was in charge. I'll tell you who was in
charge -- JESUS CHRIST! Only we were all going to sleep and just
letting the church go its own way.
BACK ON THE TRACK! We're going to stamp out all of that spirit of
competition that got in. That spirit of vanity, self-exultation, lust
and greed, envy and jealousy. That is the attitude of Satan the devil.
And the good part of it is that God has reorganized His church, and
I'm going to do all I can to bring it back.
Now last August I completely stopped breathing. My heart stopped
completely for at least 30 to 45 seconds. It had completely stopped
until my face was blanched and white. God brought me back and it's
pretty important that God did bring me back, brethren, because Jesus
Christ knew which way you are drifting. He brought me back for two
reasons: one is to try to revive YOU -- TO SHAKE YOU UP if I can. TO
GET YOU TO REALIZE THAT YOU'RE IN DANGER! I'm not going to purr that
out like a college professor. I'm going to shout it at you IN POWER!!
You can take the warning and wake up and maybe go on into God's kingdom,
or you can go the other way and burn up and be ashes under the soles
of those who are going into the Kingdom of God. Take your choice, and
if I've offended you and you're angry, I feel sorry for you. I'm
saying what needs to be said. That's why I called this day as a day
of fasting and prayer-.-
Well, we're all human. We need to remember that there is a devil call()i
Satan, that he is infinitely more powerful than we are and Satan knows
better than we that he has now but a short time and he wants to destroy
this Church.